Flame Rail


The Flame Rail is a direct form of Fire Mana, incredibly concentrated down into a small area, forcing it to burn incredibly hot. Flame Rails can be thrown, whipped, or launched at high speeds, similar to a gunshot, and on impact with something will oftentimes explode in a small radius. The spell is often regarded as being incredibly similar to Sun's Grasp.

Side/Secondary Effects

Flame Rail is quite dangerous to its casters, as it can cause explosions on impact, and if dropped or aimed poorly, can ignite on the caster themselves. The spell causes third degree burns, and if launched quickly enough, can even puncture through a target or obstacle.


Flame Rail appears as a small ball, about the size of a marble, of white hot flame.


The form was first discovered and created by Soliairs Taeyang in 19.980, as a mark of their mastery over fire mana in preparation for their certification exams to become a master fire mana. Soliairs further developed the technique, originally meant as a substitute for fireworks, into a combat technique. It has since been taught to all members of their cult for combat.
Related Deity/Higher Power
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