Griffin Shawarma

Manufacturing process

Griffin meat is roasted slowly on kebabs and then thinly sliced after marinating in spices with slices of fat. Once sliced, it is often served on flatbread or pita and wrapped in foil as a sandwich with shredded vegetables and sauces that vary on the region served.


In the past, griffins were considered sacred animals of the wind god and their meat was solely to be used for meals by priests and high ranking officials of their cult. After the domestication of many species of pygmy griffins for their meat during festivals, the practice of eating them Griffin Shawarma became much more common, extending to other holidays associated with the wind god than just their festival and to other gods, most often those predatory birds or predators to griffins.   Griffin Shawarma remains popular among Harpies, particularly those who are devoted to the god of fire and symbolically used as a representation of the conflict between many species of griffins and phoenixes.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
Roasted griffin meat, pig or beef fat, cumin, paprika, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, pita, garlic or Tahini sauce, shredded vegetables


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