Lapsei Syndrome


The exact causes of Lapsei Symdrome are unknown, but primarily thought to be caused by genetic defects inherited from both parents. The exact genes causing the condition are unknown and may be a combination of different chromosomes affected. Lapsei Syndrome has also been seen in some populations affected by chemical pesticide contamination of meat sources, but needs further research. What is known is that those whose offspring are affected by Lapsei Syndrome often will see the condition arise in future clutches.


Lapsei Syndrome is a birth defect that causes deformations in the larynx, air sacs, and nasal passages of dragons. Generally, these structures will not fully develop through incubation and present with large holes, thin membranes, and hemorrhaging. All known cases of Lapsei Syndrome are fatal, most commonly presenting as stillbirths, though those that do survive hatching often do not live for very long. The longest lived case of Lapsei Syndrome only survived for three and a half hours post hatching. Particularly severe cases of Lapsei may cause massive deformations in the skull, in which large portions around the nasal cavity never develop or improperly fuse to other structures, such as the tongue, lower jaw, teeth, and orbit.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species


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