Laramidian Travel Songs

Throughout Laramidia, travel songs and song based games are rather common ways of passing the time on long trips, primarily due to that many towns and cities are located far apart from one another or have many long routes to navigate them due to the terrain. Many of these songs have a multitude of variations as they are meant to be built on and added onto continuously, keeping in tone with their simple melodies.  

Under the Stars

  'Under the Stars' is a long lasting travel song thought to have originated in the early 7300s, during a boom of settlement and town building in Laramidia. During this time, it was much more common for people to begin settling down and building homes, rather than staying at shelters and in ancient human settlements for shelter as many areas were beginning to support larger communities. The song is prone to many variations and different verses, following a similar pattern of rhymes with 'spouse' and often has recurring elements of building a home or features for one and holding a steady job. The song is a mockery of the idea living in one place, working for a living, and generally, keeping pets. generally growing more ridiculous the longer it is sung. The song all but became obliterated from public consciousness in the 9000s, only resurfacing in segmented groups of the Pack of Ferventi, a cult known for their primarily nomadic lifestyle, where the song has survived as a mockery of the urban lifestyle.  
One day I might buy me a big house,   For just me, a dog, and a spouse.   But that day aint today-   ‘Cause under the stars do I lay!     Maybe I’ll work a steady job at the boathouse,   Maybe I’ll build me a nice gatehouse,   For me my dog and my spouse,   But that day aint today   ‘Cause under the stars do I lay!     One day I might buy me a greenhouse,   Just for me, a mouse, and my spouse,   But that day ain’t today-   ‘Cause under the stars I do lay!     I might find me a job at the courthouse,   Maybe I’ll build some kind of outhouse   For me, my cat, and my spouse,   But that day ain’t today-   ‘Cause under the stars I do lay!     Maybe I’ll work a steady job at the boathouse,   Maybe I’ll build me a nice farmhouse,   For me and a flock of grouse,   But that day aint today   ‘Cause under the stars do I lay!


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