Moranan Caps

Basic Information


These mushrooms are small, brown in color, and grow in dense clusters. They generally will only grow to be 3-4 inches tall, and will branch out, resembling antlers at their tips. They produce an unusually high density of black spores, that often make the bases of clusters appear dark in color, as if rolled in charcoal. The mushrooms produce a blend of chemicals as they break down fallen trees that if consumed, can be hallucinogenic, but those produced by the spores can be toxic.

Genetics and Reproduction

Moranan Caps exclusively grow on dense hardwoods that have died and fallen to the forest floor. Highly cold resistant, the mushrooms can often grow even well into winter at higher altitudes.

Ecology and Habitats

The species is exclusively found in the Land of Gods, often close to the frostline. Due to their limited range and choice of growing areas, they are highly protected by the Cult of Life, and often farmed to remove dead trees and stumps from an area.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The mushrooms are used by the Cult of Life to remove dead trees and stumps to allow new trees to grow in their place. They are edible, and can also cause hallucinations, being used as an ingredient in the Stew of the Everlong Hunt, but must be carefully prepared and washed to prevent overdosing or toxicity from the spores. As such, they are highly regulated and can only be prepared and harvested by Mora's cult.
Conservation Status
Protected- Can only be harvested by the Cult of Life.
Geographic Distribution


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