
(a.k.a. Pharaoh (Racing name))

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pharhund, like many racers, is rather slim with little in ways of body fat and during active racing seasons, often goes on diets to lose more weight for competition, gaining it back when the season is over. His back, neck, and sides of his tail are lined with spines and his tail is has a 'burst' array of them at the tip. Pharhund's wing webbing often is damaged with many minor holes, often the result of burns from races.

Special abilities

Most often participating in agility and target races, Pharhund is known for having incredible agility, speed, and precision even when he cannot see, making use of a highly trained reliance on sound.

Apparel & Accessories

Most often, Pharhund wears very little outside the racing season, at most wearing collars or chokers adorned with his medals and racing information or parts of his racing uniform if it is particularly cold.

Specialized Equipment

During the racing season, Pharhund wears a standard uniform in his pair's colors, blue, white, and yellow. His target curtains from the uniform are on his tail, hanging on either side of it, and decorated with a checkered pattern and standard target cross. His racing helm is specially made to fit around his horns and stay completely snug against his face, and unlike many competitors, he does not make use of a bridle for races due to a specialty racing saddle.   Pharhund's saddle is a split saddle, slotting around the spines on his back and allows them to comfortably fit through and for his rider to sit between them. Rather than using a bridle, his rider steers and directs him using his spines, pressing, holding, or moving them in the direction he is to turn. His rider's windshield sits directly in front of the saddle.   Due to his large spurs, Pharhund often wears spur guards during races, even those where safety regulations do not require them.

Mental characteristics


Pharhund is a Dragonback Racing competitor, taking part in mainly agility and target races on the Egyptian National Circuit. Although not one of the top competitors, he and his racing partner have the potential to be so, recent years in their career proving that the two have massively improved over their early years, consistently placing in the upper ranks of ranked circuits.
Current Location
he/him. they/them
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black, gold, white
Known Languages
Arabic, Common, Dragontongue


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