Pole Pies

Manufacturing process

Pole Pies are made similarly to other hand pies, although they can be made as a full sized dish pie, but this is uncommon. The fillings are cooked and seasoned together then wrapped in a shell of pastry, that is often pressed and crimped around the filling to prevent leaking. Once slits have been made to prevent them from popping, they are baked, often in a terracotta or clay Dutch oven until well done and crispy.   Unlike many other foods used as offerings for the pantheon, pole pies aren't often decorated and are left as a simple peasant dish of the people, prioritizing practicality and flavor over looks.


The Pole Pie is a common food among the Cult of Ludovic and often served during their festivities. They are also extremely easy to make with a variety of ingredients and being eaten hot or cold, are often made in bulk for travel. It is common to see them given as offerings to Shia and Mora.   Within Ludovic's territory, they are an extremely common food for his cult and followers, most generally being eaten for breakfast after having been made the night before out of leftovers. Ludovic himself is known to favor taking the pies for an afternoon snack with tea and coffee, known to dip them into his drink.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
Pastry, mutton, chanterelle mushrooms, garlic, juniper berries, gravy, potato, shallot, onion, cinnamon, clove, salt and pepper to taste


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