Putrikir Teros

Manufacturing process

A large pit is dug in sand or clay on beaches and riverbeds where the clams are collected and to be filled with water. Stones heated by dragonfire are added to boil the water rapidly, and once at a rolling boil, bark, nuts, spices, and flavorings are added until the water is a thick and rich brown color, at which point the shellfish are added to the pit and cooked. Hot stones are continuously added to keep the temperature hot and ensure all items are properly cooked.   When made by dragons, the dish is considered done and edible once fully cooked, and eaten shell and all, often with the broth itself drank. The dish when prepared by mortals however requires more processing, with the clam meat removed from the shells and often served with caramelized vegetables such as onions, bread, and rice with savory sauces.


Putrikir Teros or Putrikir Clams is a dish originating from the Rivu Dragonflight, named for the deep brown color of the clams once fully cooked. The dish is traditionally most widely eaten in the late winter and late summer by Rivu dragons in preparation for the most popular breeding seasons to allow dragons to ensure their calcium levels are high enough for egg production, and often thought of as an aphrodisiac in of itself, or paired with other messages to one's mate to indicate their desire to have children.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Common in coastal and river regions
Raw materials & Components
Wild clams (traditionally freshwater, occasionally substituted with saltwater clams or mussels), salt, oak bark, walnuts, occasionally prepared with bone and meat scraps


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Sep 1, 2024 05:40

Hearing about Terran food almost always makes my mouth water