Revive (Death)

This variant of the revive spell is steeped in death magic, and has different effects to it's cousin in the life school.


The effects of this spell are rather self explanatory, reviving a target back onto the plane of the living.

Side/Secondary Effects

Much like the life version of revive, the death version carries effects from the type of school used to cast it. In the death version of the spell, all those it is used on are automatically undead upon revival, and subject to the Death God's whims.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related Organizations
Material Components
Revive of course requires the body of the person being revived in order to work, and their essence, or 'soul'. Without it, the spell is impossible. Unlike the life version of it, this version can be cast on decomposed bodies or even bones, as long as there is enough to give the essence some form of shell to be revived into.
Related School
Direct contact
Applied Restriction
Revive, in all forms, is restricted to only be used by the major gods, most notably, Shia and Mora.


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