Sun Koi

The name is a misnomer, as Sun Koi are not actually related to the Japanese koi. They are rather a species of Egyptian carp domesticated by the Solar Dragonflight, only called such due to their similar appearance, only on a much larger scale.

Basic Information


The sun koi is a large, freshwater carp species only found in select ponds around the world. They are robust, with rounded, fanned fins, hard metallic scales, and have barbels like many other species of carp. Most come in yellow, white, or a bright gold color, with an array of patterns and accents often in black, orange, or red. The most prized specimens are a yellow bodied fish with a white head, gold spot on the forehead, and black tips to their fins. Fish meeting this strict criteria can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and are often used as breeding stock for the next generation.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sun Koi begin to breed about one week before the summer solstice and will continue to breed for the following week after. Females can lay up to 900 eggs each, which are small, red orbs about half a centimetre across. The eggs will be guarded by adults for 12-17 days until they hatch, and then the fry are abandoned. After hatching there is no parental care in the species, but adults rarely will purposely hunt their own kind, and rather fry and juvenile fish consumed are often done accidentally while feeding on something else.   The koi reach sexual maturity at 5 years old, mating with any available individuals they can. They will continue breeding until death.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sun koi grow quickly as fry, only taking a year to reach a foot in length, however their growth slows significantly after. It is thought that they never truly stop growing throughout their long lives and instead become stunted by the size of their ponds.

Ecology and Habitats

The Sun Koi is only considered to be a 'true' sun koi if it was born and raised its entire life in specific pools and ponds that are steeped in solar magic. These fish radiate solar magic themselves after death, making them a prized choice of magical food among the solar dragonflight. Most of these pools and ponds are located in Solar Dragonflight territory, particularly around Aien Sol De Draco's temple.

Dietary Needs and Habits

These fish will eat anything that fits into their mouths, including others of their own kind, although they don't seem to purposefully hunt their own species. Most often, sun koi don't hunt at all, instead constantly foraging on plants, insects, leaf litter, and the remains of other, smaller fish. Those considered 'true' sun koi are fed a diet of fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, chopped lettuce, corn, kale, and grain based pellet feed. Around the solstice, they are typically fed hard boiled chicken's eggs with the shell on, both as a treat and to boost their calcium and protein levels for breeding.

Biological Cycle

In colder environments, Sun Koi slow their metabolism to a crawl and will only eat once a week to conserve energy. Not as hardy as the trusty goldfish, they can't tolerate long lasting freezes and can become ill if left in a frozen pond. Those kept in the northern hemisphere usually have heaters and specialized keepers to break the ice over their ponds.

Additional Information


Sun Koi are a fully domesticated species, with no wild population. They are cultivated by the Solar Dragonflight.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These fish are an expensive and rare commodity, prized for how they can maintain the solar magic they held in life after their death. This makes them an incredible food source for those that feed on magic, and often an extremely expensive one that is best reserved for special occasions. The sun koi is a primary ingredient in Sun Koi Temaki.   Many within the solar dragonflight also keep these fish as pets rather than for food, and low quality specimens are sometimes given as gifts outside the flight. Due to their artificial rarity, sun koi kept as pets are extremely well taken care of and as spoiled as a fish could possibly be- some temples hosting sun koi on display are known to have armed guards to protect them.
Domestication from Egyptian Carp
150-230 years
Conservation Status
Limited Population- domestic
Average Weight
650-660 pounds
Average Length
9 to 10 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sun Koi are most often covered in hard metallic scales in warm colors such as gold, yellow, and white. They typically have a wide array of patterns, with the most prized being a gold spot on the forhead.


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