Talon Black 181

An extremely potent alcoholic beverage infused with strong magical energy. Talon Black 181's properties allow for even small amounts to get the user incredibly drunk, and the potent mix of different magics in the liquor can give its users a magic high due to their combining effects. The drink also replenishes the aura in those with thinned out or used up ones, but can overcharge the auras of those who are not depleted.   The beverage has an incredibly bitter taste due to its potency, but most consumers describe that the taste is not the main appeal of the drink but rather its other properties and the experience of being able to take part in such a rare and expensive drink. Talon Black 181 is far beyond the reasonable price for most people, being rarely served and often only at extremely important life events, generally those that have taken a lifetime to achieve. It is most commonly enjoyed by mages, vampires, arachne, and dragons.

Manufacturing process

The drink's exact recipe is not known outside of its manufacturers, Once fermented, the drink is heavily strained and distilled until near its full form, which is then bottled in specially made bottles that infuse each portion with heavy doses of magic, and it is left for 181 months, roughly 15 years, to age. Bottles that have fully aged are then sold to consumers, and the aging process is broken by opening the bottle. Bottles can be ages further, however, if the bottle is never opened.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Rare and in limited quantities
Base Price
Extremely expensive
Raw materials & Components
Secret blend of fruits, spices, honeys, and flavorings fermented into liquor. Secret blend of magic catalysts to infuse with the beverage


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