Twintail Cat

Basic Information


The Twintail cat is a breed of cat descended from the common domestic cat. They are the same size as other cats, but have many different variations not seen in them. As their name suggests, often these cats will have two tails, either two entirely separate, or split down the middle. They also often have four ears, one pair inside the other, often may be polydactyl, having extra toes, or other physical mutations and deformities.

Additional Information


The breed originated from domestic cats that were mutated by magic in the form of physical deformations, being selectively bred for specific traits that were seen as cute, such as extra ears, tails, and toes.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Twintail cats are noted for being able to see magic and react to it more than other cat breeds.
Scientific Name
Felis catus
Conservation Status
Least Concern


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