Wolfberry Hooch

Manufacturing process

Wolfberry hooch is made by blending a mash of apples, berries, honey, yeast, and water until frothy and consistent and then left to ferment for several hours before water is added. The mixture will be poured into leather waterskins or into barrels, where it will be left to ferment undisturbed aside from releasing excess gas for up to three months. Once fully fermented, the hooch will be strained through a cloth several times to remove large particles left over from the mash. The liquor will often be flavored by adding additional honey, spices, and berries to adjust its flavor, and occasionally watered down to reduce its alcohol content.   One myth relating to the drink says that an important part of the process is that while fermenting, barrels or waterskins with the hooch must be put on the back of War Wolves and carried into battle in order to receive Ferventi's blessing, or the drink will sour into vinegar and make anyone who drinks it ill.


The drink is well known within the Pack of Ferventi and has been served throughout the centuries during festivals, holidays, and significant life events. Recipes for the drink have been passed through the generations since at least 6,200, but the drink is thought to have originated much earlier and been passed down orally. Many sects of the pack have their own regional variations and there are a multitude of myths associated with the beverage, such as that drinking it before battle gives a much higher chance of gaining Ferventi's favor, that one must have brewed it at least once to become one of Ferventi's priests, or one particular myth popular among young couples is that drinking it will prevent pregnancy. The last myth in particular has been proven time and time again to be untrue.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
Apples, spices, herbs, honey, yeast, wild berries such as strawberries, chokeberries, blackberries, raspberries, or salmon berries, water


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