
Written by Douglysium

A term the does not refer to the likes of Shia’s undead, but rather corpses of any species that are being puppeted by specific strains of the cordycep(the ophiocordyceps mortuus or the “zombie fungus”). The fungus was created by a god and the myth goes that a god attempted to bring their favorite dead pet back to life. In the process they ended up angering Shia who brought back the pet’s body but not its mind or soul. Leaving only a mindless shambling fungus ridden corpse, or so it is said. Some of these fungi can be controlled with the right death and / or life magic, making them valuable to practicers of certain death / life magic. It should be noted that this fungus does not turn someone into an undead, but simply keeps the body alive or restarts certain biological processes as it takes control of bodies and puppets corpses. The fungus also only takes full control of the body after the infected has died. Due to this most zombies are rendered mindless husks. While the fungus does appear like it can effect specific animals, such as certain dogs and rats, luckily there is no known species that infects any sentient mortals. If there ever was such a species, many would find the fate of turning into a zombie worse than death since their bodies may eternally wander without their death mask. Some species will cause the zombie to try to sustain itself by eating rotting and/or fresh flesh while others will simply wander away in search of somewhere to die before spreading their spores. Some manage to keep these bodies alive, even as it rots away, by using magic and specific species of cordyceps or other artificial means.


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