Abaric Language in Rebia | World Anvil
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The official language of Duchy of Abar. Here are some samples of the structure and sound of the language.


English order
..and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind.
Abaric order
..and he stood his hat holding and his wet face turned the wind to.



/ˈæjbʌ/: danger, trouble, threat


/gɑɹ/:have, take, receive, arrest, capture, catch, seize, accept, remove, take out, deprive, take away, get, include, earn, acquire, reap


/ˈθuːgɑʒ/: armory


/wiːz/:suggest, hint, remind, indicate, express


/sʌp/:catch, arrest


Givzen has a base-10 number system.

1 jdù
2 tro
3 shmo
4 jdaw
5 vi
6 nyi
7 sya
8 vno
9 se
10 swî
11 u
12 dva
13 su
14 sho
15 bo
16 gorgheda
17 zne
18 paw
19 kɔî
20 paù
100 soùplùshsɔî
1000 kugya
Common Female Names
Eitamena, Illi, Marla, Joti
Common Male Names
Ervenn, Manni, Andri, Veit
Common Unisex Names
Mille, Rova, Senn, Fadel
Common Family Names
Gabesenni, Ylavaneti, Vartaran, Chett-Sot

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom