BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kido Kahdar

Kido Kahdar

Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
13 of frostmeet
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'7 (170cm)

Session 25: 25/8-24 The Tainted Shrine

Kido plays with his tool. The mayor tries to listen in on us. We notice him. He tries to take the blame for the flooding? Doesnt want a witch hunt? Doesnt know who did it? Feyra leaves to try and find the key. Finds it buried outside. Cabal was in the room but we didnt notice him? He considers staying in this town. Lori heals the sick, and we spend another night, before venturing out looking for undeads. A bard, darcy in the middle of nowhere, wants to read us poetry by holland. A famous poet that writes about love, or a fun bard song, or something dark. comes from hauls. The fun bard song is by feintree. Has seen undeads upstream. ”How pleasant to know you my dear” We bid farewell, and continue upstreams. Kido flies around to scout and sees: Natural caverns, waterfall, dense misted forrest and burialgrounds. The fly spell ends prematurely, and kido takes a little tumble. We find a wounded horse, with saddle, belonging to a local lord. Sadle has a shield purple with white bangles and 3 red swords. Kido nat 20, emblem of a naval city called Rilaugaustha, south givzie, far east, closest town bordering hauls. Was attacked at the road by bandits. Her master was probably killed or kidnapped. Dancer. Kido mounts up. Large burial grounds are actually moss covered geodens. Plant based. They dont want to allow kido and cabal to see the site, but kido casts tongues and shows respect towards them and it, and they allow him, but he will get smashed to pieces if he does anything untowards. The cavern entrance seems man made, and they take us inside. A faint light, small cavern, pool of water, small island in it. A small tree, bonsai like. Small growing fruit hanging from it. Detect magic 19 investigation, an oily shimmer on the water, but tree seems fine. Pieces of metal in the water. A small machine. Nat 1. Resembles a bug. No magical traces. Some oil is leaking. Prestidigitation the oil into a vial, and mage hand up the bug. The place/tree is magical. Feyra cast speak with plants. Asks how it has been feeling. Persuasion 18. It has felt dirty. Feels better now. Asks why geodens hasnt cleaned it. Fruits glow, and feyra makes wisdom save 17. It says that feyra is broken. Her memories??

Session 24: 16/8-24 - Clean up in aisle one

Fighting zombies, tough fight, many captains, explodies and fearies. We find a group of 10 villager zombies, that has been tied up together. We meet up with Fadel and Ili. Geoden, ancient elemental creature, peaceful, come in two variations, we have seen stone golem like, but can also be plantbased. They gather around places of strong natural magic, often places where druids venture to. Never live close to civilization. Some problems in Bes where forresting come to close to their shrines. Can be solved with diplomacy. Ilis mother or the mayor are best bet for geoden. Eva gives us 10k 1 uncommon magic item each and an uncommon consumable. She wants us to keep her up to date with our adventures, to write about it, and relay to the green court.

Session 23: 4/8-24 - Thinning the herd

We are short resting, as two zombies come walking towards us, we dispose of them, but on of them explodes. Lori pops up. Eva is bored. We try to find a place to funnel the zombies into a death trap. Leader that shouts orders, zombies that come up from the ground and explode.

Session 22: 19/7-24 - The Seelie Stalker

We have a stalker from the selie court! Guest player evelina. On a mission to convince lori to come back. We wake up in the inn. Lori has done a reading of bad things to come, and has gone into hiding. Qabal is scared of water. We find out about our stalker, and confront them. After a bit back and forth, they join us. Called Eva. We shove gepp into the water with the rope, fighting against the heavy currents, after he was almost completely swept away. He sees the door. Eva parts the water so we can go down. Feyra goes gas and opens the door from the inside, letting the water inside flow out. Kido hangs on his rope to avoid it. Kido fix the broken valve, both has to be closed together for it to close at all. We close it, it makes a lot of nice, and 4 strong armored and armed zombies climb up. We dispose of them, gepp goes down once. We get out, as the water is slowly draining. We start a short rest, but not finished yet. Eva is writing a diary, shimmer spies on it, she is a fan of us.

Session 21 25/6-24: Arrival at Gnock

As we come closer to east gnock, qabal sense some form of evil, and is feeling uneasy. Part of the town is submerged. As we go through the gate, we hear some commotion. There is an undead presence, a man in old armor fighting a zombie or something. He strikes it down, and is a member of the guild. Lothie/quenie. A smeared warpaint over his face. Simple clothing, well crafted, standard equipment. The undead coming from the older part of the village, from the water. They have a contagious sickness going around, in a closed of part of the village. Doesnt think of the mayor in a good light. Fadel is the mans name. The woman under attack is named illi, is helping him fight the undead. He tells us where the mayor can be found, and where the sealed of area is. They cant let us in until mayor opens it up. Manni Vartaran is the mayors name. Many of the undead are lothie. Qabal wants to investigate the source of the undeads, and walk of. There seem to be no imperial presence around. We go to the mayor. Simple structures of the houses. A zombie walks around the corner, and gepps strikes it down. Its a gubal, dressed in a night gown. Its old. The mayor is scared and hiding behind the door with many locks. He is an old gubal. A damm used to keep them safe from the floodings. A tragedy happened. Most dont want to venture there, they leave it alone. First problem with undead. A broken mechanism at the damm that might help for a short while to investigate, as the source seems to be under water. The closed of part of the village has sick people, has been going around for the past 5 years. The flooded part had sick people. Unclear if they are related or not. The guild had their hall destroyed by lightning fire not long ago. Seek them out at the communal hall. Feyra takes care of wounded. There are 3 other guild members in the hall. Others have left. Some perished in the flood. The guild did not have a good standing with the mayor before the undead showed up. Sometimes armies pass by going towards the borders, but no one has offered any help. Currently around 10 sick people, but more might be infected as they are in the area. Comatose. Cant eat, and often starve, if they dont perish to the feaver. Fadel takes us to a room in the back to discuss the course of action. If the water was drained, they would be overrun by the zombies. He feels like the flood was convenient around when the sickness was spreading. The lothies are not from the village. Kill zombies, figure out cause of disease, cause of undead, find settlement, fix damm mechanic.

Session 20: 31/5-24 - Floods and Auroras

Flashback of Feyra having breakfast with Thief and his burnt omelette. We try and talk a little with Qabal, the others find him unsettling. He can see and hear shimmer, and she is also uncomfortable. There is a flooding on the road, almost a little river toring through. There is something in the water, undeads on the other side. We rope and spore our way to the other side. Qabal kills off the undeads before we even see them. Last night there is an aurora. Makes us think of our birthdays. Lori: started good, ended bad. When they got their tattoo, their connection to the stars. Got taken out to the fair. Gepp thinking about his forth birthday, when he came of age. A looming feeling of this being the last time, after this he would need to leave on his journey. Bittersweet. Feyra thinks about when she got the mask from her old man, as he retired and didnt need it. Spending the day in the forrest, hunting and gathering, and it ended with a similar aurora. Kido thinks back on getting his first lute, how playing it made the sound vibrations visualize in a spectrum of colored waves.   Qabal asks shimmer if he can talk to her in the evening, but she is creeped out. Feyra looks intently at Kido after he states shimmer has free will, except being tethered to him, and kido is confused and feyra avoidant. She leaves him without answers. Lori gives a reading to Qabal. We try to get to know him a little. Values knowledge and skills, dont care for material things. Is a lot older than he seems, has outlived his old friends. Lives longer due to his devilish ancestry. Qabal and shimmer has a talk. Kido listens in. He says he can shed some light on her situation. She does not like his way of speaking. Reason to attaching to kido in particular, might be casued by the plane she is on vibes with the magic keeping kido alive. She is probably not dead / from the astral plane. Kidos proximity to that magic/plane, makes him able to see her, and same with Qabals experience with necromancy or his ancestry. Might be possible to free her, but she needs to figure out exactly where she is. He does not think she is a lost soul. She is annoyed that he basically havnt said anything new.

Session 19: 24/5-24 - On the road

Leader of hauls branch is called ”The commoner”, loluhereli gets a letter from their parents, using the portal again seems to be going further away from hauls than we are now.   Bess and Sadres is led by Raja, Nar and Abar is led by Phoenix, tolderus is led by Sah, Björnhöjd is led by Mann, shalehal is led by Cleric, Caldraria is led by The Prince. All of the leaders are refered to as kings.   We need to gather more information/stuff from the gigaruins, to learn more about the portals to enhance them more. Seldlindrera, where kidos relatives live in north east hauls. We make plans for keystone storage and drawing of rooms to make it easier for the organization to go to the discovered places. Gepp hide stick kidos in the drawings. There is a plan to create basecamps in all portal locations, we need to find people that can attend these. Kido brings dolphin to gather a keystone. They gather two red, whitespeckled keystones. Dolphin does like guldum since its to cold. Eldreitithis, port town of northern end of the southern part of hauls is where lolureheli family lives. We say our goodbyes and hire a cab going east to east gnock, passing through stroi. We can see the mountain range, gnock range. A large pillar reaching up from it. Gigas remnant. The pillar is skeletal. We draw closer to the village of Stroi. A mostly gubal village. Some youngsters jeering at a young gubal woman singing and playing false. Lori gives her a handful of gold, and Kido tunes her instrument. Gepp draws her a picture.   While resting, we see a dayle man and dayle woman shouting and cursing at eachother, holding swords, arguing about their failing marriage. He claims she used magic to lure him in, she claims he just wants to take her wealth and sell her estate to save his failing business.   Lori does a reading of Shimmer. Past present and future. Holding on, stagnation. Radical transformation, change can be hard to swallow. Must embrace new beginnings. Loss can be a doorway to a new beginning. Present, someone to much in control of their emotions, use their understanding of feelings to create strife and manipulation. Their present is somehow dependent on someone or a prescence. A solution that both mind and heart can agree on. Future, conservation, protective of what you have earned, stability. I have enough, am stable and safe.   We see a tornado in the distance one day.   A group of large bear crossing the traderoute. A horse whinnies, and the 3 bears attack. We kill, we harvest. 8 rations of bearmeat   Gepp asks the driver of their story. Terror is his name. Quite old lothie, almost 200, used to be a soldier. Short curled blond hair, brown eyes, red tint to his see through skin, standing 197 cm tall, regular build, edgy incredibly beautiful face. Tells a dramatic tale of his band being taken as slaves. The coolest thing they have seen on the road: a flock of hippogriphs.   We get a snow day on the last day before gnock. We see a barn stating there is a population of 37 rats. Gepp goes on a killingspee. Its like a whole rat town created in the barn. Gepp writes 0 on the population count, and bags all the rats.   During a rest, we see someone dressed in black in the distance. He is an inventor, working with magic and souls. A goth person. Kido asks him everything about his work. What he creates and why, how does he get the soul, does he know how to infuse a soul into a construct, and preserving the person. He looks just like a young talisin Jaffe . Creating a way to use the spell soul cage, high level necromancy without killing its host. He needs souls to practice and experiment on. Retrieving it in a unique way he cant share. Comes from a long line of necromancer devilish line. He has studied in Bess, knows of Kidos mother. His name is Qabal. Long mohawk. Dark mist around him. His eyes glowing a little bit. Has strained family relations. He is from the small village of Mirebur in kingdom of caldraria. A short travel east of northeasten border of bess. Kido has seen him in Bess, but never talked to them. (Nat 20). He is a roand. Kido adopts this man. Gepp does not like him.

Session 18: 17/5-24 Heist

We plan a heist. Reduce the crystal, invisible gorillas to carry it out. Kido checks out their society a bit, very communal setup, sharing everything. We clock their guard rotations and prepare for a scout mission. We were only locked in when with the prisoners, but are always having a guard with us.Thief checks in. Thief: Cooperate, bargain for crystal or steal and flee. Do not take them on. Arakznib Shatran relations can mend. Do what you must. And use codenames Kido fumbles the response. But thief gave us a go ahead to steal it. Enhance->silence->reduce -> catch -> Enlarge -> spiders -> invisible -> walk to gate -> rope trick gepp -> climb -> lift gepp/crystal to other side of wall. Kadur guard got comprehend languages from Guli. He hears our plans and want to join us, does not want to go raid, wants to leave. We take the crystal and get out smoothly. At the portal, the crystal activates and we go home. In the camp, thief jumps our kadur friend, and ties him up. We debrief them.

Session 17: 26/4-24 Artful Communication

We try to communicate with their leader Kin through art and gestures. Mentions emperor of givzi, the abari dutchess, and the grass king of Nar. Dont care for ucellans and speaking arabic. Spirit knows a few words of Kadur; Aibu - Kadur Danger. They want us to go to war with them against the ucella. Rose does drugs with Kin and becomes Kadur Rose. Rose and Kido gets to walk out with Kin, doing drugs.. Euphoric and happy, advantage on con saves. A smaller Kadur hanging leaves to dry. Some potions. Guli the Unhurt. Rose tells her Kido wants some ass for the night. Rose gets a phrase, for asking for some love tonight. They have slaves from abar. They trade in wares and gold. Rose tells kido the phrase, and that he should tell Kin that, telling him it means that we can help in other ways, but being very vague about it, and not wanting to say it herself. Rose does not want to bother Guli, but Kido wants her help translating, but gets pushed out by Rose. They join up with the others in the mess hall. Lori asks for booty. But somehow asks for Guli booty. Guli comes, and is relieved we only want to talk. Eventually we go to private room with 6 prisoners presented. variation of men/women, and races. Rulan(shalean) woman Marena, lothie(lothie) man Opale looks capable. Gaush lessie man, sone roand woman, kadesi ucella. An ucella, a Queni and a Rose tells Guli that Gepp needs many lovers, is strong and capable. Lori speaks with Marena. Roand woman tries to flirt with Rose. Opale speaks with Rose and Kido. Queni man Azor speaks Bess. Talking about jailbreak. Shimmer wants Kido to kiss someone with whiskers, someone he wants to kiss. Arakzinb, the city where the they are going to raid.   Homeless Rise. Kadur city raiding Arakzinb. Has crystal from ruin. Advice course of action. 14 Have slaves. Relations civil for now. Not functioning. Rose miss you. 20 Gepp practices war cries as a buffé victorious sound. Marena, Sone and Opale invites kido, opale wants both kido and rose. Abar and Nar are considering physical intimacy much more open, and entertaining. Romanticising is more about work and life. Guli wants gepp. Gepp says no. Rose declines invitations, Lori gets no invitations Kido gets dragged away by Sone, being more forward. Marena is disappointed. Lori gets sexytime lesson from Marena. Gepp thought Guli offered another buffé. Shimmer and Kido are hungover. She gets the name Shimmer, and she glows, happy with it.

Session 16: 20/4-24 Gigasploration

Kido gets a visitor in the night. A blue shimmering light that no one else can see or hear. They seem tethered to kido, and offer to protect him in turn for being able to stay with us. Seems to have attached in the first giga ruin. We talk quickly with the chattran group, before going through the portal. We fight off zombies and spiders. The crystal is missing, and not within 1000 feet. We explore the ruin. The floor changes type. A pressure plate, 25 feet. we try to climb/swing over, but trigger it. Kido figures out how to disarm it, but we move on. We encounter a trip wire that kido disarms. We take left at the 3 way intersection, instead of right. A new pressure plate of a fire trap that is possible to step through by walking on the right plates. We hear the breeze. Wind finding its way down. Air is light. Hard to breathe in the thin air. We are high up. We come out of a cave entrance, no signs of any ruins. A town is visible not too far away down below, within 1000 feet. The crystal is calling from the town. Seemingly built on old ruins. Mountains all around us, but a valley to the south, in the middle of the range, a small speck of colors, perhaps a lake, or the ocean. Hard to see. A rudimentary thought. A cold desert region. The town seems to be a Kadur town. The guards are surprised to see us, and does not understand us, are defensive and wants us to leave. Kido offers up golds, and they let him in. All have to pay. They have built their city on older buildings. Everyone stop and look at us with big interest. No other creatures around. The crystal seems to be in a tall large building, a high spiraling roof. We are almost ushed to this building. The guards do a spear dance, inviting us in. From some stairs, a well postured kadur greets us. Speaking Abaric.

Session 15 14/4-24 Membership

Where we are now, is where knight fortress were supposed to go. 20 days to travel to hauls, 50 ish before first celebration day. We dig out the missing piece, and mend it back into place. Thief has new intel, and some addressed for us individually. We each receive a small cylinder pendants, containing our codenames. Feyra - Banshee. Kido - Cavalier. Lori - Ancoress. Gepp - Wildebeast. Thief offers us an opportunity to try and find more of these giga portals. We take 10 days downtime for crafting, after 4 the ruin portal room is cleared out and set up for usage. We check out the town a little. 7 gates, port town, 6 districts. West town, largest, business, housing. harbor, warehouse, maritime, docks. South Road, export import gate. Pearl Wall, entry and exit gate for outsiders and customs. Castle Ward, high end folks. North Gate, husbandry folks, partly outside the gate, partly inside. We are in the north gate area. Warmer than Chiaf. Uiag clan leader for the county, oimzof is self governed, under leadership appointed by Wat. Walled city. 1 of 3 major port towns in northern givzi. Gepp wants to drink beer and hunt monsters. Nibarg Swifthand wants main eye from a gauth(lesser beholder). 173 gold. (can slow things down). Gepp takes some help from dolphin to investigate for clues about the creature and where to find it. Finds good information. 11 investigation check for kido on the portal. Magic needs focuses somehow, other kinds of teleportation magic requires components. Something is missing for the trajectory. Location based items might work as a substitute for the intended item. Might be possible to attune to each space. He takes a bit of rock from the room with him. Shares the info. Flying Dragon is missing for a few days. On assignment. Kido buys breastplate and a shield. Thief gives us 9k gold, travel money. we go hunt the beholder in a cellar in south gate. We kill. 26 appraisal. can get gauth stomach, worth money, can use an action to rupture on a magic item to make it not work for 24 hours. Eye stalk, can craft lesser eye stalk want. Main eye worth 115, can craft stunning lens. Paralyzing ray eyestalk, main eye, stomach harvested. We deliver the main eye, for 173 gold. He is part of the crimson chroma, which originate out of gnok.

Session 14 5/4-24 The Schatran

Flying dragon tells us its breakfast soon, asks how we want our eggs, and that we can take our time with morning rituals. Feyra is being weird about what she remembers from the feywild, not wanting to tell kido all the details. As kido turns the bag of holding inside out, feyra snaggs the nail and necklace. Kido takes inventory. Dolphin lets us know breakfast is cooking, and we can take the time we need. Feyra suspects her of knowing something she is not telling us, being paranoid. Chaos ensues. Feyra refuses to give back the nail/necklace. Kido gets fed up, packs up and leave for breakfast. Cheheri and gepp manages to get the nail out of feyras hands, and she stops being paranoid, but is still weird about it. She gets the nail back, but dont touch it. Breakfast time. Octopus gives a remark about trust then serves eggs in silence. Dragon shouts that breakfast is ready, dolphin wants to sleep in. Thief comes in. Apologizes for the treatment. Gepp “Morks” kido. (smurf). Thief has confirmed some of our information. Trusts his colleagues, but not us. Dolphin and dragon enjoyed our company, which means something to him. They are doing an excavation. Understand we had some contact with a knight heading here, fortress. He is annoyed with interruptions. Directly under a city district that has been empty out by the rooks, the city folk dont know what is going on, but that it might be dangerous. Will make us forget all this, unless we want to work with them. He informs us, and their group, that they are expanding the network, long ago the chattran organization discovered these portals, like teleportation circles, but not needing to know the locations. They dont know how many they are, but they know about at least more than 2, and know that there are many more. Implications of this is massive, good that it was they who found them first, and pray that other nations has not, as control of these has a dangerous power to be anywhere. Theory that they can link to not just one location, but they dont know how to navigate it. Wants to use it for the power of their organization, but concerned about other powers using it. But want to restore them. Wants to protect the normal people, but cares less about the nations. There does not seem to be much formalia around joining. Slip into a sentence, old friends while scratching the side of the nose to identify other members, they should answer with The best mirror is an old friend. pause between mirror, and old friend. Dragon is a bishop, guarding, not discreet. Muscle. Thief and Fortress are knights, work with subterfuge, disruptive, not necessarily discreet. Breaking and entering, manipulation, sneaky or charismatic. Dolphin is a rook, Dimerki also a rook, they do domestic, slow work, might already have some responsibility or influence in some way, work in the background. Rarely danger associated, collecting information, using their influence. Pawns, starting point, before decision is made, not have to choose. Some stay as it. Octopus does not say what he is, seems a lot more intelligent and observant under the surface. Dolphin is on the oimzof council. City planning. Thief leaves. Dolphin and Kido goes to investigate the orb. A small piece is missing. Restoring the piece, with some magical help, it can probably be restored. They talk heartfelt and open about themselves, their groups. The piece is hidden underneath rubble, and neither of them wants to dig through it. Kido continues to investigate the runes to figure out how it works. Gepp and Dragon sparrs, while Rosie begins crafting a Cap of Aggression.

Session 13 22/3-24 Getting back home

25 appraisal on purple hag 25 harvest - small pouch of night hag hair 3gp, night hag dream catcher can be crafted, 3 vials of hag blood 3 gp each, night hag skull 25gp, nightmare skull can be crafted from it , hag eye ball can be utilized as it had been in life DONT BREAK IT while concentrating - Divination spell Legend Lore 1 use 50 gp 27 appraisal on green hag 21 harvest - small pouch of green hag hair 1 gp, 3 vials of hagblood 3gp each, green hag skull - deception skull, hag eyeball - invisibility 28 appraisal on green hag - same as above green hag   29 investigation for hag loot: backscratcher from severed bony hand, small plant pot that has some sort of plant inside it(mushroom, a young shriker, 300feet shreek when touched, could cultivate more), rusty nail the length of a forearm(feeling paranoid and cruel, but preceptive, get advantage on peception checks, mild cursed, only when held.)   We go inside the hut, it nasty. 19 investigation, drawer overflowing with loose hair and textures, a vial of antitoxin, beautiful gold chain necklace(transmutation magic, curse if put on, cant be removed, connected with truth and lies, change with when being untruthful), freshly baked pie, looks good. we hear something from the wardrobe, moaning and scratches, wounded and weak. A Kadur. Gepp opens it, we see a small strange mix of short humanoid bird, missing a lot of feathers, It attacks us. insta dies from gepp. 21 appraisal, nothing. A large taxidermied creature that is a chandelier, a beholder. medium size. 800 gold. + 1000 gold   We get back to the queen. Feintree wants to say goodbye. Cheheri is free to leave. (would feyra take the fruits that cheheri does not want anymore after bubbling the pipe of paladins placebo, and gotten her cards back) Feintree says one of the hags divined that cheheri would feel bad about going home, wants her to stay. Does not seem to lie about it. She portals us back to the prime material, gepp and kido forgets the trip, cheheri remembers. Feyra?   Its dark, stone floor. Damp. Constructed space, but like a cave, a musty smell. The faintest light. Almost square room, 70 feet diameter. An orb suspended in the air, a top of a pedestal 15 feet across. Small step leading up to it. A small hole, rubble, leading to sunlight. The orb is a clear crystal Kido nat 20 history, Gigas ruin, ancient giants. Some of the rubble not consistent with how it should have fallen, the way to the orb/platform seems to have been cleared. Temperature seems about the same. Rubble cleared within a 100 year or so. Quite resent traces of people walking here, from the hole. When approaching the pedestal cheheri and kido disapears, as they are transported to another similar room, more collapsed, dry, mining equipment, rocks, crystal not hovering, set in a contraption/stand, seems to not be activated. We are not alone. Gepp follows through. Two humanoid similarly dressed as fortress. They raise 3 skeletons and flee the room. Kido says “Old friend?”. Initiative. Gepp oneshots 2 of them. Cheheri casts primal savegery and kills the last. 4 People come back through the hole, 2 robed, a lighter armored, and a heavier armored, all hooded in the dark. A male speaking with us in givzen, one of the druids, lothie man, short wavy skinfolds framing his face, dark black eyes, tall muscular build, grey skin, a long hooked nose. On edge and suspicious. “theif”   A short woman in a larger metal armor, wielding a sword and shield, short rount build, lessie woman, white hair, pale, long hair flowing down her sides, big red eyes, traces of some sort of mark flowing at her finger tips. Didnt seem as on edge, but standing tall and ready. Refers to the god of destiny Lod. “Flying Dragon”   A dayl man average build, robed, some form of cleric, long curly hair, green skin, round. Stays quiet. Octopus   The medium armored is hard to place, androgynous, hasnt spoken, high cheekbones, full lips, rough makeup across their eyes, a bit older, quite tall. Voice hard to place. Dolphin.   Tells us its dangerous to be here, and that we should not be here, are sceptical about us. 9th, 2 days have passed. Takes our weapons and wants to vet our connection to the chattra. We are beneath oimsofs. They take us to an indoor camp of theirs. They put our stuff in the chest, locked it and the androgynous person has it. We are held for a day with the 3 except the leader. The lessie woman tells us about how she was part of fighting a young dragon in sadres. Promises to call on gepp if there ever comes a call to fight another.

Session 12 17/3 - 24 Hunting Hags

Satyts with red glowing eyes ambush us. Kido gets trapped in a net, restrained. A hail of arrows. We defeat them, but take a beating. We rest while Feyra harvest 2 satyrs.   3 hags discussing in the hut, the flute lying on a table outside the door. We end up gepp to scout with detect magic and intellect fortress, being invisible in the dark. The hags are talking about ingredients. One hag sneaks out and disguises with an illusion as a wounded gagged bard in the forrest, slowly but surely trying to affect the group with something. Kido creates a hole to hide in, as the purple hag walks over to him, he gets his first kill on it. The green is holding a knife to the bards throat as it exits the hut. Feyra takes out the green hag. The bard is the last hag. Kido eventually kills it the same way, inflicting wounds on it and dropping it in the hole. The bard wants to leave, goes alone.   next time: Loot and harvest hags / hut.

Session 11 16/3-24 To the feywild

We travel for a day, encounter a grove of geodens, a glade with a brook, ending in a crescent shape pond, before leading back into the forrest. A rock in the concave part of the pond, covered in moss. South west of chiaf. 6 geodens welcomes us., of various sizes. Point us towards north east, part of the wetlands, follow scullery river until wetlands, and then north. Until we hear the sound of geeze.   Somewhere along the trip, we encounter an overgrown hut, a skeleton sitting long dead and forgotten on the porch. Gepp finds a pouch of 100 gp. We discuss the feywild a little, risk of forgetting the experience, deals with feys, memory losses.   Waterwalk and local animal rituals cast, we enter the wetlands. A rotting corpse of a crocodile. Gepp takes a look at it, for potential threats. Killed by slices. Red caps: Possible crafts: Boots of Iron Gait / Cap of Aggression We attack 3 of them. We harvest 3 boots and 3 caps. We make camp, Gepp and Kido keeps watch, find a body with arrows in. An eidifir body. Traditional garb. Arrow shafts having black,white and purple feathers, imperial colors. The body bursts with gas as we touch it, and Gepp and Kido starts to hallucinate. Gepp sees imperial arrows come flying and tring to protect Kido, who sees a massive glorious Coatle. As they struggle they are attacked by some spider creatures. We kill them. Deal with the hallucinations for 20 min, before they dissipate. Kido thinks the Coatle might have been a fey realm coatle, fought together with him in combat. The corps had a shiny beltbuckle with some gems in it. We give the corpse a burial rite. Harvest some spider meat 6 pound/3ration + 3 carapace.   A large shambling mound lurking about that we need to keep track of. 2 pouches of shambling mound mulch worth 12 gold each, can craft superior potion of healing from. 4 shambling mound vines worth 15 gold each, can be crafted into vine tunic. A root stem, priced in medicin for regenerative properties worth 110 gold. Can craft wand in the under growth. We harvest all that after killing it.   We hear geeze and follow it. We see a large skeletal fist jutting out of the earth. On top of it Ral and Kido see a hydra, gepp and rosie sees the true form of huge gooze with multiple heads, all honking in different directions. A rare fey creature, a gooze mother. Unaligned. Honks can make ppl sleep. Guardian of the crossroads. Wants to give us treets for us to pass. Any time you touche the color red, it turns green - Ral Kido will emit a goose honk everytime he yawn or sneeze. Everytime you see a bear, you see it as a old person wearing a bear costume - rosie Gepp can only read texts that are upside down.   We embrace with the mother gooze, and as we open our eyes, we are in a forrest, twilight sun, butterflies swirling, wild flowers. Birds and squirrels. We have arrived in the feywild. Giggeling pixis playing hide and seek, as gepp notices them, they swirl his face. Praising him on seeing them. They love cheheri, tells us she is a the court, and gives us directions to get there. The world is malleable and adapts to our mental and emotional states. over 50 satyrs, pixies, facing a mound of pillows, where cheheri sits. A creature similar to feintree, silver hair. They are excited for Cheheri to tell them more about the stars. They have lost their court bard, Salandrei. They dont need him anymore as they have their court jester Cheheri. They have cast a spell on her to stop her moping. The bard is in the mirkwood, where the witches live. a Group of satys were sent after him, but have been lost. We get directions to the mirkwood, we need to face the darkness. Eastward, is much about intentions. Rosie asks for a flower, and trades a strand of hair back, a few strands of vine grows out in place of it. Hags came move more easily into the prime material plane. We arrive at the mirkwood. No flowers.

Session 10 15/3-24 Meeting Raal

We go back to town, to the adventurers guild outside the south gate, a cluster of buildings, AU Supplies with adventurers supplies. One of the workers in the hub, tall bald man, big braided blue beard, reddish black striped skin, a cat. Emory De Bolic Raul, the rulan. Bromerham cup, he has his birthdayparty there, in northgate, close by the markets. Brommerham is a volcano in the mountains that circle Abar. Abari teahouse. A gentle ucella, zen, silken robes, feathered headgarb. a beautifly gold dragon painted on the wall. Orange, white lush colors. A dayl, lessie, gubal and a rulan. Dayl man, brown eyes, square face, brand on his right arm. Mark of a fellon. Roand woman, big smile, brown eyes, striped skin. Petting a vary large sheepdog. Lessie woman, short thin build, ponytail, purple eyes, one covered by eyepatch. Gubal man, brown fur, balding head, sideburn, tall for gubal, hook nose, black beady eyes. Rulan man, short.

Session 9: 3/3-24

Kido is sent on a bunch of random errands for Abbot, some seems random and not seemling making any connections, while some seems more aware. Worker class type of people. Kido is not supposed to ask questions about it or inquire more. Just buy someone a drink, buy something, etc etc. Abbot tells kido to bring his friends, as he might have a suitable job for them. Asks if his friends are trustworthy / discreet, and kido tells him they are trustworthy, but perhaps not always as mindful.   We take a trip to hunt coatle. We find one, and an elephant, that speaks to us in our minds, asking our questions. Coatle speaks out loud. We discuss terms for a duel, kido tries to sneak in a auto lose term in the game rules for them, and they get pissed off. The coatle makes us uncouncious with its attack, the elephant turns into som humanoid monstrosity bird creature with a quarterstaff, and casts fireball on all of us. Kadur. We can harvest feathers and poison. We get 2 venom, and 1 large bags of feathers   We travel to the border of the wildlands. Soap like barrier, controlled by imperial soldiers. No structures. There are people coming out of the wildlands also. Mix of soldiers and other folks. Jojan gubal, Male, lama Dayl, Emray, female Gubal, Male, Kartul, wolf Ucella, Dimerki, leader of the expedition, reporting to the Dutchess. Aberee diplomatic bal is coming up, in abar, in 6 weeks. We discuss science and their study of the wildlands. Open to collaborate, as long as we dont go inside or touch their instruments. They might be playing imperial / having imperial permission?   “Chattran”, the organisation, is divided into different tiers. We speak of the Jewled General and Knight Fortress, they are affiliated. Dimerki is a rook, not much of the subterfuge, knights are more of shadows, quick subterfuge. They believe unity is not forever, wants to maintain status quo. They offer an introduction to someone in the organization in chiaf. Gubals “wolf”, “Lama” Wildland Rebels   Science stuff, effects of the wildlands, exhaustion points, beasts and danger gradient the deeper you go inside, the empire is mapping the wildlands, as it is shifting, partially a natural occurrence, but magical in nature. Similarities to feywild. Pocket dimensions seems protected. Kido spends some time with the barrier. Amor, Wink. Leaper. Headshot. Hunter. Halo. Spores. Night Walker. Nebula. Stars. Gepp draws the coatles.   There is a rulan person in Chiaf that knows about the feywild, part of adventurers guild. Flowers in the hair.

Session 8: 25/2-24

Replacement for bane, a bag of tiny amount of fatty balm/lotion. A ring with a mushroom on around it. We discuss plans and intentions, full chaos mode. The others think Kido flirts with everyone(rosie mostly). We go to the blacksmith to buy the rapier. He has been sizing us up, how capable we are, weighs the words we use, talks about work for us, asks us to join him upstairs. He seems calculating, intentful, intelligent. kido nat 20 insight. Abbot the blacksmith. Short lean man, unclear heritage, smooth almost black skin, dirty blond, almost black dark brown eyes. Quenie/Rulan features, androgynous. Yasian in eastgate, and Kaan in stonetown. Yasian is a small male gubal, unruly hair, prominent wide sideburns, dark purple skin and black fur, military-esque shirt, even tailored it looks to large, hiding his small frame perhaps. Table set for 1, servant brings breakfast. Looks tired, worn out. We follow him as he leaves his home. Corporal Valance his spouse. Rosie claims we have heard of problems with marriages. Cheheri has a “vision”, about their past lover. Weal if he were to pursue his past love. “She ended it, it always bothered me, why did she suddenly decide..” 2 years ago, she ended it suddenly, didnt feel sincere. They were both married when they fell in love, having an affair. As his wife is in the army, he is lonely and never sees her. Kaan and Yasian share cultural interests. “Walking through smiling rows.” - a line from a famous poem. Nostalgic. “Two Blue Lovers” We go to talk to Kaan, living in an apartment in stonetown, two stories. Spider going in, eidefir brown with blue spottings, imperial fashion - Kaan, cleaning up after lunch, 2 sets of dishes. Her spouse seems to have left recently. She seems in a neutral mood, humming a bit as she is doing the dishes. Her husband is Soto, they have a 6 month old kid in school. Kido acts as Cheheri’s master, and that she is practicing readings, as she reads Kaan. Kaan seems to feel trapped, guilty, wanting more culture, but does not want to hurt others. Rosie leaves the message in the sky for her to see. We report back to Yasian, seems a little upset about her ending it due to eidifir lifespan reasons. Valance is by the border towards Hauls Theocracy. If we see her, he wants to know how she is.   We take a little 3 day downtime, Kido learns a little blacksmithing, cheheri buys charms to apologize to the group, gepp does some leather workings, rosie does some herbalism gathering work(40gp), cheheri does some readings.

Session 7: 16/2-24

Feintree the fey Keraf Noblewoman (rapier) Earl - Simnel Pulaht, wife countess Midaw Lovers to be? - Kaan Aggela Eidifir, Yasian Boyven Gubal   Celecreation in east gate, fancy clothes shop. Tolderan architecture. Man, lothie/lessie, Rsoy Cheheri Lolureheli, buys clothes. Rsoy pushes some clothes on Rosie, that she reluctantly buys.   We go to the high end tavern. in the east gate, Bell Tower, is an actual old bell tower, givzen design. A man is curious aboud Kido’s arm, an artificer is visiting town, well known, Shareefa Khalid, Kido has heard of them. Kido asks for a drink and joins his party. Gepp buys a big ass ale. A gubal woman joins him, who is Keraf. Cheheri does a reading for Rosie, to get people interested in readings. Earl is a war veteran, their marriage was arranged, but they have been happy together, he dresses plainly for a noble, she dresses in fine givzen clothing, he is a rulan/dayl mix, she is a quenie, choosing their words carefully, bit secluded, she is quiet, they have lost their 11 year old son. He has been appointed earl, not born into it, sons name was Varki. She used to be involved in a lot of charity. Cheheri does a reading for a couple, turning point for either good or bad, inherent remainder of ups and downs, part of life, advised against being clever with words, even with winning in words, you might lose with heart. Advised to start a project together, a creative project, this will lead to open communication, to cut down lies and see clearly. She goes starry form to perform a premonition and asks about the lovers to be. Cheheri gets 28 gold randomly from her. She gets some information about general area where they live. We drink and party for a while, Kido gets Rosie drunk. We go to the ring area, well dressed clientel, we see a caged arena. We are “VIP”, but are the entertainment. People cheer for Keraf. “Been long since we had a fight”. We get pushed in the ring, and a magical hum encompasses the arena cage. Its very clean, compared to how a fighting ring might be expected to look, no remnants of other fights. “How about we start with the little frog that want to steal my weapon”. Announcer is not Keraf. Keraf gets the honor of starting, as she shoots Gepp from outside the cage, and the cage nullifies all magic. Gepp runs up to her and starts stabbing her. Kido tries to open the door, rosie casts flammable blood on them, cheherie tries to squeeze through the bars to cast unsuccessfully. Gepp kills the announcer with an arrow, and incite fear in the crowd. A few are left, disappointed at those that left, the guards are not sure what to do. All the crowd leaves, and its just one guard left. Gepp intimidates him to open the door. Keraf lies dead in a corner. We look through the place, 855 gold. chain shirt, short sword, fine clothing, a small cork bottle of deep blue sand. We convince the guard to testify, in exchange for a boat trip out of here after we have talked to the earl. his name is Wan. He goes into the castle to talk to a friend in the guard, to get us in to see the earl. Cheheri follows as a spider. We are to meet the earl, Gepp puts his weapons in the bag of holding and uses disguise self to get fancier clothes. Gepp acts as a servant of Cheheri, as she proclaims Cheheri delivers the bag of teeth, and it seems his memory comes back of the deal he had made, as a modify memory spell was broken, and he falls to tears as he knows what has happened to his son. He asks us to leave, and we do. Kido lets him know he can ask them for assistance with anything. The bane replacement manifest in thin air. Abea is the female guard friend of his, a decent guard. We give him 150 gold, and he goes off into the night. We seek an in in the north gate, Barons Rest, to seek room for the night. Teh same place where glanville is staying. Gepp draws the ladies in their fancy clothes.   Kido gets a sending - Kido, hope you are well and found mary, independence day in hauls from bes in 2 months, seeds crest is a holiday celebrated all over even if not denary faith, 3 months away. 1 month staying in hauls. Duokett (cousin family) is inviting us. Kido tells the group about it. We discuss the earl, fey, the lovers, memories etc.

Session 6: 11/2-24

We hear something large roaming the jungle, speaking in giant. 5-6 of them. Gepp is scared of giants. We encounter a camp with families, nomads. They offer song and food. But its all an illusion, cheheri and kido falls asleep. It passes, as Rose blasts the camp with wind. 100 gold was taken from the party as a compensation? We long rest, Rosie has a dream, recalling events in the wildlands. Rosie tells us that her name is Feyra Rosemary, Rose bland folk. Feyra in trusted circles. We come to Chiaf, Glanville knows it well. We take a bath at Northlook bathhouse. Worker class bathhouse. We bathe then go shopping. Blacksmith has a Seed plaque. Keraf Gambit, noblewoman has ordered a + 1 rapier but not collected it. If she does not want it Gepp can buy it. Skinny gubal, fancyble face, small nose, round eyes, wavy auburn fur, piercings in eyebrow and left ear. East gate. He might have some ideas for adventuring works. We go to the postal office. We are in north district, markets are in east, outside the gates. Tara. We deliver the package. Gepp gets letter with secret message, speaks of resistance. We go to arcane services place, in fancy district to the south east, east gate. We pass by the castle walls. We see a skyrock hovering above a building, to the west in district of stonetown. Mixed architecture from all over the world. Merricloak, colerful spires, small teatables and chairs, bookshelves, not really a shop, a small counter of small stuff, focuses etc. Thieves Chapel district, outside the south gate has the adventurers union. The floating rock is an inn. Top Drawer Antiques, curiosities. West district. Keraf: Carol worshipper, loves partying, is divorced, judges people on fighting skill. Gondolas on the river. Flowers during the night? Kido detects magic and walk around in the antiques shop. Woman, sharp features, glowing skintone. Rowlin. Pendant of the Spider Sign. Find some consumables, a glowing pouch with fine dust. Illusion magic. - 20 gold Regular potion of healing. - 40 gold Potion, traces of elemental magic, geodent. Innate magic of the world. - 15 3 gemstones, obsidian, tiger eye, azeraite 10 gold each. Kido buys. necklace for 35 gold Gepp is looking for crafting materials, she has a rug that attacks people, strands from that rug can be used, shimmer cloth. 10 gold gepp buys.   Next time: fancy clothes och potions.

Session 5: 10/2-24

Gepp thinks about his family at home, kido about this brother and the journey that he had made and set as an example, Rosie has fractured memories of laughter, and a touch on the arm. We discuss what route to take going forward. We follow the coast, and plan to cut inlands when the coast starts curving north. We come a cross a bridge over a river, as someone is standing on it, staring us down, standing in the way. They are hooded and has covered their face. Weathered leather armor, a crossbow on his back, and a shortsword at their side. He tries to get our help with the bridge, tries to knock kido on the back of his head as he approaches, as 5 other highway men pops out. Kido goes down hard, but Gepp and Rosie kills of the highway men. They talk about a key. They have a key, looks to be a larger key, 100 gold, 5 crossbows, 5 schimitars, 1 dagger, 4 leather armor, 1 studded leather armor. We leave the bodies, rosie decompose them. We move away to take a rest. Rosie sees some form of cat beast, that take one of the bodies. We track our way to the highwaymens camp, 4 tents, 1 person stoking the campfire. Seems to be alone. 1 of the tents is a bit larger. We intimidate him to surrender, and scavenge through the camp. The were planning to move to the islands, complaining about the empire. An earl lives in the castle in Chief. There are good baths there. In the big tent we find: 3light crossbows,2 schimitars, a statuette of Vass (god), probably valuable. A total of 110 platinum. The bandit is named Glanville, Gubal, really big nose, purple fur, geen eyes, balding combover, looks older than he is. We discuss if he should join us to Chief. Cheheri reads his fortune. We talk abit around the fire in the evening, kido smokes some bane and then goes to sleep. Cheheri and Gepp takes a watch together. Cheheri is feeling uncomfortable being around so many people. Apologizes to Gepp, for not feeling ready for their journey, for being dishonest? Feeling pressure of how to be. Discussing money, and what it does to people. Gepp wants to draw Cheheris starforms. Looking at constellations. Kido and Rosie discuss her memory issues, and that she should keep a diary to keep track on if she lose more of them. Discuss city people, and a little about kido’s ideas. Granville talks about the black and whites, which are the knights order it seems. We encounter an invisible barrier, and then the mirrage ends, as we are half a mile in a cave, as something lured us here. There is a soft glow to the cave walls. We dont see them first, but then a humanoid with sort of rulan features steps out, skinnier than rulan, hair almost flowing like under water. a Fey creature, similar to a siren. She wants help, wants one important memorie. remind someone of an unwise bargain, or help love happen. Cant enter settlements. Asks for our names. Neutral/chaotic aligned creature, a type of siren. Resistant to necrotic, immune to thunder, immune to charm/deafened, immune to damage/effects based on sound. Call her Faintree. The earl needs to be reminded of the unwise bargain, handing him the pouch we get from Faintree. It contains a small set of humanoid teeth, perhaps baby teeth. Cheheri is starstuck and promises to remind the earl, in exchange for pain relief for a friend. Gets a fruit from her. Offers wealth, power, art, in exchange. Cheheri gets fruit obsessed, and offer to help with love for more fruit. 2 people in chiaf, former lovers, have married other people, we need to reignite their passion. We get their names/information. We are concerned for Cheheri. We discuss potential consequences of these tasks. Kido casts detect magic, as Gepp searches for the sound of water, and potential findings of a cave fisher. Kido sees the illusory runes on our backs. Teeth/fruit is not magical. Veng(mineral)/dreamflake(dark fungus) might be found in caves. We connect the dots between borgor mary and cannun. Our runes are for safe travels. Gepps old one from canun is Spiritual strenght and positiv development, joy, pleasure of life, ability to flow with lifes changes. We come closer to a river/waterfall, a larger pool of water, an open area. The den of a cave fisher. The cave walls are filled with silk like webbing. Creature 7 feet tall, 8 legs, 4 large forlims ending in pincer, pale light grey, no eyes. A long probisquis. Kido gets recked, we kill it. Kido/Rosie appraise 19/25 cr 13 Cave fisher: Filament, Carapace(tools, armor, jewelry, worth a lil bit), blood(flammable, alcohol%) The book says: filament: Can craft a rope of climbing from it, can be used as is for adhesive. We get 3 vials of cave fisher blood, a cave fisher carapace(40 pounds), 60 feet cave fisher filament(10 pounds) Rope of climbing needs an artificer, 2 work weeks, cost 200 gold Another attacks, crits cheheri bad. We kill it. We get 3 vials of cave fisher blood, a cave fisher carapace, 60 feet cave fisher filaments. We find some Veng, kido extracts it from the wall, 3 doses

Session 4 2/2-24

Crafting costs and time, uncommon (bag of holding 2 workweeks and 200gp + some monster hide) Postal services exists, Malu xxx in givzi, Unity Post in bes etc. 1gp 500 miles +. Bird mail. Other ways < 50 miles 40gp animal messenger, 25 words Sending 75gp crystal ball / scrying other magic work, arcane lock, detect magic etc.   we wake up on our third day here. The sun shines, the rain has passed. Gepp wants to send a package with a ratskull and ratgloves. We go to the birdtower. Proprietor, a ambiguous short older woman, brown purplish skin, white eyes, purple robes, neat bun. She is blind. Kilez. Chiaf, 20 gold for package service, we sign the documents that we have received it. half now, half at delivery. 10 gold for party sheet Gepps father Mepp 12 pound package to deliver. She has a letter to us from Soff, eidifir merchant. Thanking us for the warning, they have started to talk with the harbormaster, but they are demanding more than they want, asking if we have good standing if we could help. If not, they might move to Uyag, where they have family. A short list of some materials that they would like to get their hands on:   Mark of the Depths: Deep Sion.’ Their sounds can stun under water. Coastal. Its ugly. 70 gp They have 2 forms, hybrid, humanoid aquatic beast and true monsterlike. Only hybrid can breath air.   Coutal, a large bag of feathers. For problems with insomnia. Found any biome, a common creature. Snake with wings. Peaceful, good creatures. Rainbow feathers. Resistant to radiant, immune to psychic, bludgeoning/piercing/slashing from non magical. Truesight. 180 gp reward   Cave fisher filament. Can hold things well, is tougher than hemp and easy to carry with. Unsure how long they will stay, if within a day or two, we can come to their camp for rewards. Live under ground. Look like pale weird spider lobster. 30 gp Has spiderclimb, can pool people, when hurt, has vulnerability to fire, flammable blood.   Any of these they will give us a world map. The leatherworker/smith had something to add.   We go to blacksmith, a blackhaired Dayl man, Jay. Shouts for Miray, a child dayl girl, his daughter to help us.   We go to the settlement, they will move to Yagh, last standing eidifir settlement. Gepp gets a hamunds harvesting book. Cheherei casts augury, to see how the harbormaster would react on us confronting them. Cheherei promises to slap the harbormasters face when we have slain a dragon. Azra felt ashamed about busting our chest, but it was a hidden compartment with a bunch of magical stuff. We sell some stuff, and take our leave south east along the coast. We travel a bit, before we hear clanging of weapons, practicing. another hour, we hear a far away shriek. We see a rowing boat with two fishermen, who seem to be struggling to pull up a shark into their boat. We help pull it to shore, as they pummel it to death. We harvest it and share the spoils. We keep walking, as we see glowing orange eyes over the water, tentacles as hair, long fins under its quite humanoid body, as it skitters under the roots of a tree by the water. A Scion. We ambush it, gepp gets stunned from its scream. We win.   19 appraisal, trinket, 2 pound of ocean floor mud, good for sore joints and face masks, mark of the depth. using 1 spirit paper, 23 harvesting. The mark of its dark patron lingers for a moment, before it disappear, which is harvested.   Kido finds 250 gold in its stash under the blown up tree, some affects from life on land. Deep scions used to be people from the beginning, stolen from shore, saved from sinking ships, offered a bargain by undersea power to not drown. Submitted to an ancient ritual, to transform them into this shapechanger.   We strike camp to rest, but something is sneaking up on us in the jungle. Two large gorilas, attack us. We kill and harvest them.   1 potion of healing - gepp a small shoulderbag, bag of holding, Kido turns it inside out. - kido 4 spell scrolls, ray of frost - we sell it, poison spray - cheheri, feather fall - kido, detect magic - gepp quiver finely crafted ornamental metallic parts carved or dyed bone, a uncommon efficient quiver, connects to 3 extra dimensional spaces - gepp green pen, uncommon, emerald pen, requires no ink, can cast illusory script. - rosie a robe with 14 patches, robe of useful items. 6 normal, 2 dagger, 2 bullseye lantern, 2 steel mirror, 2X10 foot pole, 2x hempen rope 50 feet, 2x sack 8 special - a 10 feet cube pit, 2 mastiffs, iron door, up to 10x10 feet big in a hole, a silver coffer 1 foot long, 6 inches wide/deep, probably valuable. a bag with gold, 10 gems, wooden ladder, spell scroll 1-3 level. action to pull a patch- kido

Session 3: Imperial Politics

We put up a notice about the dead eidifir. And then go to the general store. Ornate painted window on the shop. Merrows Teet. A dark skinned with grey striped, female Roand. Large braids like a crown. Sathu. She does not like Rosie’s appearance, and Kido tries to defend her, but they leave. Go towards the ghost docks. We go look for the harbormaster. An eidifir building. Indar/Eldayr, partial armor, simple tatered pants. Details wrapped in purple ribbons. We are allowed to copy their maps for a fee or work. Discuss the warehouses being haunted, does not want us to go there before we have done some work for them. Zerhra, nonbinary.   Gepp asks about the hunter guilds to random dockfolks. Violet eyes specialize in supernatural works south of wildlands, amber eyes, coral eyes, crimson eyes. A male dockworker.   There are not a lot of eidifirs in this place. We pass the warehouse district on our way to Azra, its a lot more guarded. No signs telling us where warehouse 7 is. Gepp notices random gangmarkings on a low wall, fresh, eidifir decorative symbols, placed discreetly. ish between warehouse and farms.     Eidifirs might live in the underwater dwellings on the outside of ghosts docks. Her flowers needs to be blessed to become useful, dried powder to be consumed and grants a single question to be answered by a deity, strong feeling of peace and euforia. Has been hard to grow. Kido pays 10 gold (overprice) for one of the flowers for Rosie. Gepp make rategloves, Rosie talks to chickens to discern which is olders, and ripe for dinner. Rooster is proud and old. Hen gossip. Azra offers to make us dinner.   We go back to the harbormaster to discuss work and ghosts. They would like us to go talk with the eidifir living by the docks, see what they have to offer the docks, scope, products. Wants to keep track of the trade going on there, without letting on that the harbormaster is inquiring. Northeast end of the docks. We go to the eidifir settlement. Some eidifirs resting on the beach we talk with. They lead us to one of the tents that are put up. They get an older eidifir, Soffs Inventory. A haphazard pile of stuff. Jewelry, embroidered ribbons, not so much clothes or textiles. Pouches, backpacks, leather armor pieces. Cheheri buys a studded leather armor. Poisions, toxins, local cuisines, accessories. Kido buy 100gp pearl for 75, borrows 15 from rosie. Blackroot, Patch, Salja drugs. sundrop, helps with feeling down, out of bane, have some spiral a quite fast acting pain relief, lose sense of balance, dizzying. sundrop 4 doses for 70 , spiral 25 for a vial of 5 doses. Raywood trees for Raybark, dreamy. Many drugs are from the colder barren regions. We discuss the dead eidifir, and they offer to help with burials, but dont know them.   We report back to Zehra, we try to leave out the drugs, but fail. They are pissy about us trying to leave it out. Bet we get to copy a map, but dont get access to the warehouse with potential ghosts. They loose renown in kidos eyes. Gepp draws the map, and then we leave for Azras. Cheheri writes to the druidic cuterie. Rose follows them out. They discuss their signatures and realize they have read each others posts. Cheherei has a problem with the dorkmaster. Cheherei shows her starformation. We discuss a little about intentions and making sure we align ourselves. We go to inform the eidifir settlement about our hiccup with the harbormaster. Gepp swims down to them. We deliver a letter of business proposal from Soff to Zehra. Then we go out to hunt. They find tracks of a white tailed deer, and a tapir, which they hunt down. Enough hide for an armor and some rations. Rosie takes some ears / bones and random things. 2 pelts. We make camp.

Session 2: A rat'ish problem

You Tree Farm Neighbour is upset his farmhand Fortress is missing. Unassuming young male dayl. Long hair in a bun. Has been burning his mail. We ask him to not burn future mail for investigative purposes. Emir the orange baboon gubal, bit older. We cross the bridge to get to the farm with rat problems. Dayl woman, brown skin, young adult. House has aspects of eidifir culture. House on the edges has more eidifir structural, while the other has more imperial. Strange noises, bad smell. Something else, lower gowls. Espiritus does not seem to grow well, she grows some herbs on her farm. The smaller door is slightly ajar. There is an impercivable breeze coming from one of the crates, but no signs of the rats. There is a trapdoor. Its dank and smelly. Two rat swarms attack We defeat them and find a dead eidifir, looks like a dockworker. Few days past. There is a chest and a bag on the ground. Two giant rants and a twisted ratperson ambush us. Has been infected, a wererat. Not only transform during fullmoon, mind can be lost. “Old friend?” Kido replies “New friend?” And they attack. We defeat them, the wererat takes no nonmagical damage 22 appraisal for the wererat from kido, a market for infected blood 20 harvesting for the blood, 3 vials of wererat blood, cursed blood, Bag contains 40 gold and 20 silver An owl arrives with a letter dropped on the wererat and then flies out. There are notes in the room. On the body, a key to the chest, some simple herbs for wounds chest contains 1 dose of Bane, a platinum coin, 1 potion of healing Set of clothes, dark black and white in good condition, hood and trousers a mostly gnawed up journal, with one readable page “Castle Ward”, that it has Bane. “go to Flaming orb in summer grass” //Jeweled general Oymzafs, one of the part of the port town, a district, is Castle Ward Letter to Knight Fortress, Kido takes the chest with its contents. We get 50 gold for the job, and offered to use her guest bedroom for some storage / workshop. Azra the farming woman. Kido gets a key.   We get cleaned up, she offers us some backed goods. 20 gold each, 10 gold 20 silver 1 platinum in group banking. Sigil/symbol/heraldry of oymzafs is a flaming orb on a green background Rosie wants pasta, and will get ingredients for it for Karen.   Delivered letter: Knight Fortress The Roks report "Exodus" a success. You and the other Knight's mission can continue. Visit the flaming orb in the summer grass. Head to where the sister slumber on bones of the past. // The Jeweled Generall Journal note: I seem to have struck ill. Hopefully new intel arrives soon so I can start working again. Sleep doesnt come at all, I am downed days om end. The hunger is unbearable. Tonight is worse then ... Horrible jaw pain. Castle wards got Bane.

Session 1 Chickens, herbs and drugs

What is the world? Is it the name Rebia? The land? Its stories, its histories. Tales spoken over campfires. Epics, and secrets. Today, a new one is starting.   Blusheaf, a port town with 2 docks, one for trade and one for maritime vessels. Two ships have just arrived. The docks is busy with trade, and shouted conversations fill the area, but is disturbed as sounds of crates that are destroyed penentrates it all, and a man shouts out as three feathered birds and two dog like beasts escape through the crowd, ensuing chaos.   Initiative is rolled. One of the dogs instantly kill someone with a bite to the throat. As kido tries to bane one of the birds, two of them charge at him and almost down him instantly. Gepp is engaged with the dogs and the last bird. Cheheri entangles the dogs. Rosie heals kido. Gepp takes a dog down, but Kido struggles to enwrap one of the birds, as it pecks him hard. The trader is panicked and clearly dont know what to do. As kido disengages, Rosie falls to the birds.   Two guards come to help. The other dog goes down. One guard brings a cart of cages and boxes to house the animals. As the people around starts to cage up the animals, kido and one guard stabilizes Rosie.   Ghost docks, for trade. Pearl warf house the guard barracks. Follow the river. The trader brings a potion from his ship for Rosie. The trader Yubar Resnik. He gives us 200 gold to share for the help and silence about the death and incident. We take a walk to the Pearl warf, to talk with the guards and give testimony. And we see the shield of the imperial army nearby. People chatting about what had happened at the Ghost docks. Karen meets us a little defensive, but Ponzu the one who told us to come here, greets us and she loosens up.   Kaskarth is where we were going, and they are from, but we decided to stay here. After asking about lodging and food, Ponzu tells us about the tavern bitten tale, a little cheaper place which mostly houses workers and sailors and is located in the apple docks, as well as Blusheaf inn, which is located in the middle of the black arch, where everyone lives and shops are.   There is a week long Imperial celebration taking place to the south that many are excited about, a big celebration for the emperor and empire.   We take a walk towards the inns and the notice board for work, discussing herbs, medicin and Kidos usage of the drug Bane. As Rosie produce goodberries, we disregard the inn and instead take a look at the notice board. General store Merrows Tit Drug store, with its owner Eilin Notice board: Warning: Harbormaster: Keep out of the ghost docks warehouse nr 7, ghostly visitors seen Farmer, looking for help to get rid of rodents. Warnings: Pirates sighted by north nock bay, keep out when travelling between the islands Danger, highwaymen on the road towards Wat, seen by chiefta forest.   Kido gets a reading from Cheheri: is in an intellectual place, should stay away from trying to intellectually change, staying with the group will lead to the high priestess. Cheheri also does some readings for the people. People talking about the celebration down south, would only miss 2/7 days, floats on the river. Talks about Bess and the election, new mother president. she seems stricter than the previous.   We talk a little bit with the herbalist, and he makes a list of herbs he is in need of, as we are going out, offering discounts and / or coinage for it.   Rose gets a reading as we make camp, is in 5 of swords, advised against ace of pentacles Unbridled ambition, sneakiness, taking from opponents, ego holding back? Wins by sneaky methods : right now Advised against reverse ace of pentacles, lost opportunities and missed chances, blocked of fulfilling potential, advised against missing opportunities, keep eyes open for them. Regarding wealth, career, a good meal, material world. Advised toward page of cups reversed, immaturity, escapism, creativity, making dream a reality, leave reality behind King of swords, going towards, intellectual, power and honor, representative of truth and authority and a calm intellect through calm of mind. Self knowledge.   Gepp paints us during the reading.   Sky: Haloed sun, floating rocks   We drink Rosies tea, reduces pain, colors get clearers, body tingles: Blackroot mixed with something else. We all become stupidly intoxicated. Kido and Cheherei fails the save against the tea, we get nauseous. We shared a drunken evening together before going to sleep.     Everyone earned a total of 63 gold during the session. Kido buys a simple healing potion.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom