Oimzofs Settlement in Rebia | World Anvil
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Oimzofs by public domain


The Uyagh clan leader governs most of Uyagh County, with Oimzofs allowed to govern itself with a representative appointed by the leadership in Wat.


The Imperial Guard is stationed in Blusheaf. The burg is walled.

Industry & Trade

Abaric Gold and Tolderan wood moves through Oimzofs harbour, distributed to other parts of the Givziean Empire. As one of three port towns close by in the bay, it sees some of the maritime travel heading to, or from Northern Givzie.


    Oimzofs is a walled burg, with 7 gates for entry. 
  • West Town
  • Largest district, containing businesses and the majority of housing for the Oimzofsee.
  • The Harbor
  • Warehouses, maritime travel docks, docks for import and export.
  • South Road
  • Import/export gate for those with permits
  • Pearlwall
  • Main entry and exit gate for outsiders, Customs.
  • Castle Ward
  • High-end lots
  • Northgate
  • Husbandry lots

Guilds and Factions

  • Malo Baridon: Oimzofs branch
  • Merchants guild: Uyagh branch
  • Schatran base: Oimzofs branch


Oimzofs is built on the site of an ancient burg of the same name.

Points of interest

  • Northgate petroglyphs
    Home to many Gigas ruin remnants, the most eyecatching of all is abstract petroglyphs just west of the walls.
  • Olstallat
    A Björnhöjd-themed tavern that's popular to host events in, with a slightly higher price tag than other spots in town.
  • Oimzofs Castle
    Home of the Perta family, the castle is built on old Gigas ruins.
  • Oimzofs lookout
    A hill overlooking the town providing a scenic view. Complete with benches and picnic tables for a pleasant rest after the climb.


Biome: Tropical seasonal forest


Average temperature: 32°C
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Secondary)

Industry & Trade


1. West Town

  • Olstallat
  • Merchants guild: Uyagh branch

    2. The Harbour

  • Dockmasters office

    3. South Road

  • The Wall

    4. Pearlwall

  • Giddy General

    7. Northgate

  • Malo Baridon: Oimzofs branch

  • Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom