Tolder Language in Rebia | World Anvil
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The official language of Tolderan Theocracy. The Tolder spoken language is fairly easy to learn, but takes a long time to master due to the many different ways to pronounce letters and words. The written version contains many symbols not used at all in the rest of the world, but those versed in Höjd Tolder might at least recognize some of it. Here are some samples of the structure and sound of the Tolder language.


English order
..and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind.
Tolder order
..and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind.



/ʃlaʊ̯/: fly


/tɹaʊ̯ˈnɪs/:magic, mystery, force


/weɪ̯lˈfɜːaʊ̯/: arch


/tɪ'dɜr/:show, demonstrate


/ɔɪ̯ˈnuːaʊ̯l/:grand, large, motherly


Tolder has a base-10 number system.

1 suut
2 doru
3 viru
4 gad
5 quas
6 fir
7 rad
8 ven
9 nei
10 ti
11 tisuut
12 tildoru
13 tisviru
14 tigad
15 tiquas
16 tifir
17 tirad
18 tiven
19 tinei
20 derm
100 trai
1000 trisen


Singular No affix
uhm /ʌm/
Plural Suffix -iːf
uhmif /ʌˈmiːf/

Sentence Structure

Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions
Common Female Names
Tara, Luna, Kuli, Shoolana
Common Male Names
Feifdir, Gaush, Tekli, Geipa
Common Unisex Names
Pauz, Traun, Vudero, Kader
Common Family Names
Teroen, Vemaresso, Lekte, Kadeneto

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom