
Each of the nine realms has one presiding entity that rules over it. This entity holds complete control and dominion over the realm, or plane of existence, they govern. They make the laws that the plane must follow and can manipulate the foundations themself. The Governors can freely move within their own realm, even to the point of instantly teleporting to a desired location. However the Governors tend to keep this ability a secret, and rather create doors instead. Doors that connect different spaces within the universe.     The Governors draw their power from their respective realms, but so do the realms from their Governors. If a Governor leaves their realm, they will slowly begin to fade. Gradually they will lose their powers and abilities. The Governors are immortal first and foremost however, as they need to stay vigilant and ever-ready to judge, absolve, or condemn an occurrence within their realm. Their immortality does not make them invulnerable, only their body does not decay with the passage of time. Which the time it takes for a Governor to fade is on a grand scale. No mortal creature can live long enough for a Governor to lose their abilities. Additionally it is extremely difficult to trap a Governor, entirely impossible while within their own realm.   The Nine Governors are listed as follows:
  • Lakhos, The Reader of Destiny
  • Khroma, The Beacon of Guidance
  • Aestheneia, The Scholar of Weakness
  • Eutukhia, The Fortunate
  • Pseudes, The Liar
  • Therion, The Beastly
  • Metaes, The Skilled
  • Alibas, The Sentinel of Death
  • Azmogdian, The Fool
Alternative Naming
Elder God
Length of Term

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