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Malavai Quinn

Commodore Malavai Fabianus Quinn

Physical Description

Facial Features

A mole on his upper left cheek.

Mental characteristics


There were too many people. He was not going to manage this. They would all be looking at him and know about the Broysc trial, they would –   His Lord’s gaze cut across to him, and the gold of her eyes burned away the mist of terror that had grasped him. They would know that his court-martial had been revoked. That the Sphere of Laws and Justice and the Sphere of Military Offence had both found him blameless in his retrial. That the Emperor’s Wrath had taken his part, and taken his hand, and given passionate testimony about doing what is right for the Empire, no matter the expense to oneself. About how Malavai had sacrificed everything he possessed, his career, his pride, his rules, to save an Imperial fleet.

Failures & Embarrassments

Malavai saved an Imperial fleet at the Battle of Druckenwell by countermanding a direct order from Moff Broysc. For this courageous and heroic act, he was court-martialed, stripped of all rank, and slated to be executed. He was "saved" by Darth Baras, who strung him along for years before ordering him into treason and to killing the woman he loved.

Mental Trauma

“You don’t know anything!” shouted Malavai. “You didn’t know him! You weren’t there!”
Malavai tried to use due process to deal with Moff Broysc being a liability to the Empire, twice. The second time was after he was back for seconds after having Malavai thrown in prison and stripped of rank and Malavai doesn't take it personally. He acts on a "good of the Empire" basis. Malavai sees himself as an individual rightfully honouring a system. Malavai tries to deal with it himself, to not involve Irati, to not involve anybody else at all, because last time, he didn't just keep his head down and stay quiet, and look what Broysc had done to him. Broysc is the epitome of the rot in the Empire, and Malavai goes from calling attention to it to trying to just plaster over the hole, and the rot reaches out and grabs him and says 'you must pay for what you did'.
Malavai feared greatly that Admiral Malcontent was exactly what everybody, not merely Broysc, thought of him as. Ideas above his station, doing nothing but criticising, never happy, imposing rigid military discipline on everything.   ...The traitor who disobeyed a war hero.   ………Friendless. Unloved. Disliked by all. Repellent. Somebody who all sensible beings avoided.   Maybe he was. That didn’t mean that Broysc was right, just that he’d struck on something accurate, whether or not it was by chance. He feared that it was not chance. He feared that everybody could take one glance at him and know exactly who he was.

Intellectual Characteristics

Malavai is sharp-witted, anxious, and paranoid. He enjoys listing things to calm himself down. He is autistic. He enjoys learning and throws himself into studies.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • adaptable
  • intelligent
  • dependable
  • organised
  • polite
  • precise
  • sensible
  • studious
  • witty

Vices & Personality flaws

  • callus
  • cynical
  • impatient
  • paranoid
  • perfectionist
  • self-martyr
  • workaholic
Imp. Strd. 2nd/he
Black, short, short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Imperial Standard
  • Republic Standard
  • Talz

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