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Cult of Daka Fal

Ancestor Worship


Cult Starting Skills: Cult Lore (Daka Fal) +15%, Meditate +5%, Speak Other Language (Spiritspeech) +20%, Spirit Combat +15%, Sing +10%, Worship (Daka Fal) +20%.

Aadventurer's may add +20% to one of the previous skills, and +15% to another.

Special Rune Magic: Axis Mundi, Discorporation, Free Ghost, Incarnate Ancestor, Restore Health, Resurrect (oneuse), Spirit Guardian, Spirit Melding, Summon Ancestor, Summon Specific Ancestor, and Summon Spirit Teacher.

Cult Spirit Magic: All.

Favored Passions: Love (Family), Loyalty (Shaman).

Associated Cults: Odayla, Yinkin.

Religious, Cult

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