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Cult of Hrunda

Monkey King

Hrunda can be seen as a heroic layabout or capricious protector, depending on who you ask. Abandoned or neglected by their society—whether a dryad’s grove or a sophisticated Esrolian city—his followers mock relationships with “orderly” communities and “everyday” life, as do the bluepaw monkeys.


Cult Starting Skills: Climb +15%, Cult Lore (Hrunda) +15%, Dance +10%, Meditate +5%, Speak Beastspeech +20%, and Worship (Hrunda) +20%. The adventurer may add +20% to one of the previous skills, and +15% to another.

The adventurer may choose their starting spirit magic and Rune magic from spells taught by the cult. They begin play initiated into one of Hrunda’s subcults. They may improve one Passion among those favored by the Hrunda cult. See pages 73–79 of the RuneQuest core rules for further information about a new adventurer’s cult.

Religious, Cult

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