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Cult of Humakt

God of Death and War


Cult Starting Skills: Cult Lore (Humakt) +15%, 1H Sword (pick type) +20%, Other Weapon (pick type) +10%, Intimidate +15%, Meditate +5%, Worship (Humakt) +20%.

Aadventurer's may add +20% to one of the previous skills, and +15% to another.

Special Rune Magic: Bind Ghost, Detect Truth, Morale, Oath, Sever Spirit, Shield, Sword Trance, Truesword, and Turn Undead.

Cult Spirit Magic: Bladesharp (var.), Coordination (2 pts.), Demoralize (2 pts.), Detect Enemies (1 pt.), Detect Undead (1 pt.), Disruption (1 pt.), Fireblade (4 pts.), Heal (var.), Parry (var.), Protection (var.), Repair (var.), Strength (2 pts.), and Vigor (2 pts.).

Notes: Humakt initiates must take one of Humakt’s gifts and its corresponding geas (see below).

Favored Passions: Honor, Loyalty (Temple), Devotion (Humakt).

Associated Cults: None.

Humakt’s Gifts

The following shows twelve standard Humakti gifts. Others have been given by the god throughout Time, and may be given again. Specific gifts are chosen by the player, or can be rolled by the gamemaster. Each gift provides the number of geases required.

1d12 GiftGeases
1 +10% to attack with cult weapon. 1
2 +20% in a cult skill other than weapon. 1
3 Increase a raiseable characteristic by 1 point. 1
4 Increase a non-raiseable characteristic by 1 point. 3
5 Increase the hit points of a specific weapon by 50%. 1
6 Begin Sense Assassin skill at 30% plus Magic skills category modifier. 1
7 +4 to effective CON against disease or poison. 1
8 Gain ability to Detect Undead as per the spirit magic spell by simply concentrating, at no magic point cost. 1
9 Bless specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) against a given foe species. 2
10 Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated). 3
11 Bless a specific weapon to do double damage (once armor is penetrated) upon striking a specific hit location. 2
12 Recover magic points at double normal speed. 1

Humakt’s Geases

The geases taken by a Humakti often have little direct effect on daily life, but the burden of some geases can be considerable. If the geas contradicts the gift desired or a previous gift taken, then the worshipper may choose a new gift, but must take the geas. If the same geas is rolled twice, roll again.

1d100 Geas
1 Favored by Humakt, no geas.
2–4 Mistrust all Mostali.
5–7 Mistrust all Aldryami.
8–10 Mistrust all Trolls.
11–13 Mistrust all non-Humakti except those friendly to Humakt’s cult.
14–16 Mistrust all non-Humakti, friendly or not.
17–18 Never eat from a dish.
19–21 Remain silent one week per season (this includes casting spells).
22–23 Do not speak one day per week.
24–26 Eat no meat on Windsday.
27–29 Eat no meat in Death week.
30–32 Eat no cooked vegetables.
33–36 Eat no vegetables.
37–40 Ride no animals one day per week.
41–43 Ride no animals two weeks each season.
44–46 Ride no animals.
47–50 Drink no alcoholic beverages.
51–57 Never participate in an ambush.
58–60 Never lie to a friendly cultist.
61 Never lie.
62–65 Double magic point sacrifice each holy day.
66–67 Never use poison.
68–71 Use no non-cult weapons.
72–75 Cannot use large shield.
76–78 Cannot use large or medium shield.
79–80 Cannot use any shield.
81–85 Cannot love (remove any Love Passions).
86–88 Sever one loyalty (remove one Loyalty Passion).
89–91 Wear no metal armor over a specified location.
92–93 Cannot use any armor over a specified location.
94 Cannot use metal armor over two specified locations.
95 Cannot use any armor over two specified locations.
96–98 Never refuse a challenge to one-on-one combat.
99-100 Roll twice more.

Religious, Cult
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