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Cult of Lyksos

River God of Nochet

Lyksos was one of the children or followers of Faralinthor who swam ahead leaping and climbing up the mountains towards the Sky, though never reaching the Sky Dome. The many salmon still follow Lyksos’ path. Later, Lyksos befriended Imarja, and when the monsters attacked her and Nochet, Lyksos agreed to defend Imarja if her people would sacrifice to the river. One time, when the trolls came in force, Lyksos rushed upon them and bore them all out to sea. Lyksos made the Trough that way, and protected the city from that direction during the Storm Age. That section of Tendayvora is still susceptible to flooding during heavy rains.

After Belintar defeated the Only Old One and shattered the Palace of Black Glass, the famed Creek-Stream River (Engizi) of Dragon Pass was blocked from the sea and formed a vast marsh. Belintar freed Engizi from that marsh by digging the New Canal and joining the Creek-Stream River to the Lyksos. Together the two rivers flow and twine together as they pass Nochet and join the sea. Worshiped jointly with: Engizi. Above the river junction, each cult is independent. Below the junction, the cults are one and share their Rune magics.

Holy Days: Waterday of Movement Week with the High Holy Day in Seaseason.

Temple: Riverside (O7, O8)

Initiate Requirements: Standard.

Priest Requirements: Standard.

Cult Skills: Boat, Cult Lore (Lyksos), Dance, River Lore, Sing, Swim, Worship (Lyksos).

Favored Passions: Devotion (Lyksos), Loyalty (temple).

Spirit Magic: Detect Enemy (1 pt.), Extinguish (2 pts.), Rivereyes (1 pt.), and Strength (2 pts).

Prohibited Spirit Magic: Firearrow, Fireblade, Ignite.

Common Rune Magic: all.

Special Rune Magic (Engizi): Breathe Air/Water, Dismiss Water Elemental (medium), Fireshield, Strongnet, Summon (Naiad), Summon Water Elemental (medium).

Special Rune Magic (Lyksos): Breathe Air/Water, Dismiss Water Elemental (small), Leap, Summon (Naiad), Summon Salmon, Summon Water Elemental (small).

Starting Skills: Dance +15%, Sing +10%, Swim +20%.

Religious, Cult
Related Ethnicities

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