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Goddess of Music and Wisdom

Delaina is the youngest of the Six Sisters, daughters of Asrelia, and the earthly goddess of music and wisdom, and the tutelary patron of heroes. She embraces life and encourages her initiates to experience life to its fullest as that is where true wisdom is to be found as well as the Path of Heroes. She is also the patron and city goddess of Rhigos, and ancestor of House Delainaeo. She is golden-skinned, wears a sheepskin, and carries a poppy.

Also subcult or associate cult of: Ernalda

Holy Days: Clayday of Movement Week with the High Holy Day in Earthseason.

Temples: Sacred City (C23), Helamta (H43), Nolerian (N82), Sarli (S60, U16), Rhigos (great temple) plus House Delainaeo (D85).

Initiate Requirements: pass three tests from among: one Musical skill (Dance, Play Instrument, Sing), one additional Communication skill, one Perception skill, Meditation, and either the Movement or Truth Rune.

Priestess Requirements: standard.

Cult Skills: Art, Cult Lore (Delaina), Dance, Dream Lore, Insight (human), Meditate, Orate, Play (instrument), Sing, Speak (own language), Worship (Delaina).

Favored Passions: Devotion (Delaina), Loyalty (temple).

Spirit Magic: Coordination, Countermagic, Vigor.

Common Rune Magic: all.

Special Rune Magic: Become Other Gender, Charisma.

Notes: Delaina offers Charisma at shrines or when within other Earth temples.

Starting Skills: Dance or Sing +10%, Meditate +15%, Play (instrument) +20%.


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