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Resurrection is available, but often reserved only for senior officers, champions, and Heroes and their Companions. It is also not without cost, for even if it works, the subject may return with a loss of knowledge and skills, and may suffer from Relife Sickness, unable to fully cope with their return to life. Some may be attracted to cults associated with the Death Rune if they are not already initiated into one.

As soldiers, they are more likely to throw themselves into deadly situations, such as attempting to break a shield-wall by grasping an enemy’s shield or be among the first through a breach in an enemy wall or to clamber up an assault ladder. Such warriors are militarily useful, but their comrades are wary of their obvious death wish. As officers or warleaders they are more likely to take risks that will get themselves and their soldiers killed.

Heroes and demigods can often bring themselves out of the Land of the Dead and return with little apparent change to the world of the living. This is not a reliable process, and history is full of tales of Heroes who eventually failed to return.

Sisters of Mercy
Organization | Aug 24, 2024

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