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  Hags are a type of Fey creatures from the Alfheim . They are, like most such beings, mysterious, with motives and natures not at all clear to mortals.   What is known is that they operate under esoteric principals, rules of conduct that aren't honour, but some sort of rule that governs their very existance. The number three, for example, has prime importance to Hags. Three Hags form a Coven. Many of their Dark rituals require a victim to be subjected to vile poisons or incantations on three successive nights. A Hag that makes a promise three times must keep it, or will waste away.   Hags appears almost like oversized old human women, though with variations on the theme of ugliness, cruelty and deception. In their natural forms they are obvious unnatural, and almost seem to have something akin to Ogre's or Trolls. Like many other kinds of fey, they possess a number of variations; Those that reside deep within swamps. Those that reside within the Sea, or atop rocky outcroppings on the coast. Those that reside deep within the recesses of the Icy north and so forth.


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