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Mead of Poetry

After the Æsir-Vanir War, the gods sealed the truce they had just concluded by a blood bond; blood of all the gods spilled into a Giant Vat.  The Dwarf Fjalar acquired the vat and mixed within honey and water of pure melted mountain snow.  What was born was the Mead of Poetry.   Said to contain the collected Wisdom of the Gods, the Mead is a brilliant golden colour, and one looking through it seems not to see things on the opposite side, but strange, unearthly images.  Drinking the Brew is said to confer intense Wisdom, but also the ability to compose the most powerful ballads, making the drinker for a time, Skald and Scholar.   The Brew does have a down-side however.  It is powerful, and too much of it, or if it is consumed by those of ill-temperament, can induce them to a brutal berserker state.   Properties: A Single Drink consumed by a mortal grants that Mortal advantage and their proficiency bonus on all Performance Checks, and they are considered to automatically succeed on intelligence checks related to knowledge.  These effects last for one hour per drink.  However, each drink that is consumed requires a Con Check at DC 14, +2 for each additional drink beyond the first.  Failure causes the drinker to go into a Beserker Rage, attacking friends, enemies, whoever is closest until the rage ends, which is either when the effects of the drinks wear off, or the drinker is rendered unconscious.

Item type
Consumable, Magical


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