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Sprites are immortal entitites from the Alfheim.  In Midgard they tend to congregate in large groupings deep within forests and remote wildernesses.    While not malevolent, they do not like nor trust the 'Tall Folk' and can react hostility to intrusions into their territory.  They are often prey for larger monsters and thus have a powerful sense of community.  Individually they are weak, but as a group they can be quite dangerous and take on challenges their diminutive size would suggest.    They are immortal and don't require sleep or food, though they indulge in the later for sensual pleasure.  They are gifted herbalists and make a number of potions and poisons, as well as magics of the Alfheim.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sprites tend to adopt names that are identifying nouns for other things, mostly plants.  Sometimes these words are combined with an identifying Adjective; For Example, Honeyblossom, Flaming Oakleaf, Quick Apple, etc.

Beauty Ideals

Sprites have elfen features and generally ascribe to similar beauty patterns; extenuated features, limber athleticism, long flowing hair on their heads but hairless otherwise.  They hold people who have similar features as being 'beautiful', and tend to also hold beauty in natural things.  The farther something is from a naturalistic state, the less beautiful it would appear to them.  So Metal, Leather, and carved stone are less attractive to them than fur or naturally aged wood.

Common Etiquette Rules

Like many beings from the Alfheim, the Sprites have extensive and elaborate etiquette, which they seem to understand instinctually.  Indeed many of their rituals are not merely social convention, but contain mystical significance.  A Sprite may be acting in a particular way not just because she thinks to do otherwise is rude, but because she literally cannot act otherwise.    Examples include refusing something twice before accepting.  This ritual creates not merely an acceptance of a gift, offer of service or similar, but a lasting magical bond between the Sprite and the other being.

Common Taboos

Sprites hold a number of Taboos, in the truest sense; They will not eat flesh long dead.  If some-one makes them laugh, they are bound to not molest them until the sun next rises or sets.  They cannot reside in the same dwelling as a Brownie or Pixie, etc.

Average Height
9-12 cm
Average Weight
5-7 ounces


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