Sea Turtle

Shellbacks reporting to King Neptune

"TURTLES! Turtles to port!
And to starboard! A lot of them."

The Red Sunrise had been drifting mid ocean for days. The pirates were stuck in the Doldrums, and were out of fuel for the engines. All major sails were up, as well as most light wind sails, in the hopes of catching every little bit of breeze, but the canvas was just hang straight down. The only thing it did was to give some shade on deck. Although not that much either, with the tropical sun shining down on them almost vertically.

Everyone on deck, and quite a few, alarmed by the callout, came running from below, stood by the bulwarks to watch the sea around the ship. It wasn’t one turtle; it was a whole flock of them, passing the Dawn both port and starboard. Swimming along, not fast, but with a well divined course.

Their fore flippers slowly moving up and down, propelling themselves through the water. Some of them broke the surface to breathe, others just glided along unfazed. One or two turned their head towards the ship, but the Sunset Dawn wasn't interesting enough for them. They had to be places and there was no time to stop, it appeared.

"They are Shellbacks! Heading for King Neptune's court to report of our passage. Who hasn't crossed the equator yet? Who is still awaiting their turtle tattoo?" The boatswain called out.


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Aug 7, 2024 12:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Turtles! I love sea turtles. I bet it would feel magical to see a whole flock of them pass by.

Sep 1, 2024 20:11 by Bart Weergang

I think so too.

Aug 22, 2024 13:30

Turtles are awesome

Sep 1, 2024 20:11 by Bart Weergang

They are.