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OSAD Session 13 - Heroes of Reddex

General Summary

Lor, Aimee, and Ella do some final preparations before heading out on the press tour. They head to the council room and are greeted by Rose and Lana Hresnir. Lana teases Aimee playfully and Rose explains that she is there to assist the party in presenting themselves.   The trio at last head out, beginning the press tour by being part of a huge ceremony held by the king. He has the party stand on a podium and delivers a speech, thousands of people like the streets and see them off, holding banners. Eventually, the party leaves the city and begins the tour.   Along the tour, they visit many towns and participate in many activities to build rapport, as well as deliver encouraging and patriotic speeches. While nervous at first, the party adjusts.   The party finds themselves in the village of Middlemeet, where they encounter an old bully of Aimee's, Barnaby, harassing an elven couple. The party stepped in and put a stop to it peacefully. Afterward, Lor experiences another vision, this time from the perspective of someone on the floor, being ridiculed by a voice out of view, chastising them on their failure to kill the prince and saying their only chance of redemption is to kill the party.   Lor recovers from the vision and the tour continues. Eventually, the party arrives at Blackthorn and after a heart-to-heart between Lana and Aimee about their father, everyone arrives at Aimee's home, where she is warmly greeted by her brother Andre and her mother, despite Aimee's fears of possible resentment.   Lunette, Aimee's mother, warmly welcomes the party and everyone eats, discussing positive news and far more negative news, in the form of rumors of impending war.   Aimee and Lunette have a heart-to-heart the following morning, as the party speaks with Rose, just before they depart to the final stop on the tour, The Summer Fayre.Lor, Aimee, and Ella do some final preparations before heading out on the press tour. They head to the council room and are greeted by Rose and Lana Hresnir. Lana teases Aimee playfully and Rose explains that she is there to assist the party in presenting themselves. The trio at last head out, beginning the press tour by being part of a huge ceremony held by the king. He has the party stand on a podium and delivers a speech, thousands of people like the streets and see them off, holding banners. Eventually, the party leaves the city and begins the tour.   Along the tour, they visit many towns and participate in many activities to build rapport, as well as deliver encouraging and patriotic speeches. While nervous at first, the party adjusts.   The party finds themselves in the village of Middlemeet, where they encounter an old bully of Aimee's, Barnaby, harassing an elven couple. The party stepped in and put a stop to it peacefully. Afterward, Lor experiences another vision, this time from the perspective of someone on the floor, being ridiculed by a voice out of view, chastising them on their failure to kill the prince and saying their only chance of redemption is to kill the party.   Lor recovers from the vision and the tour continues. Eventually, the party arrives at Blackthorn and after a heart-to-heart between Lana and Aimee about their father, everyone arrives at Aimee's home, where she is warmly greeted by her brother Andre and her mother, despite Aimee's fears of possible resentment.   Lunette, Aimee's mother, warmly welcomes the party and everyone eats, discussing positive news and far more negative news, in the form of rumors of impending war.   Aimee and Lunette have a heart-to-heart the following morning, as the party speaks with Rose, just before they depart to the final stop on the tour, The Summer Fayre.


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