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OSAD Session 15 - The Mountain King

General Summary

Aimee, Lor, and Ella rush home to try and save her family, bringing an unwilling Rainn along. Along their way back they run into Nib surrounded by masked soldiers trying to kill her.   The party step in a defeat them, before taking Nib with them towards the Hresnir estate. The party makes their way through some woodland, arriving at a large space of open plains, with a mysterious beast looming in the clouds above.   The beast is revealed to be a wyvern, with Godswick Brooke riding the creature. The party uses a horse as a distraction and stealth across the field.   The party finally arrives at the estate, where it is surrounded by masked soldiers and dire wolves. The party is spotted, and while Nib and Lor could stay hidden, Aimee and Ella are captured, with Rainn giving himself enough.   The party is brought inside the dining hall, with The Mountain King being sat inside, eating a meal around a table with Aimee's family, who are all being held at knifepoint.   The king talks with Aimee and Ella, making threats and observations, before he kills Rainn for his failure.   The king removes his mask, showing off his scarred visage, and his true identity, Brandon Rafe.   The king voices his mission to break Aimee and Ella, stating he believes he can do this by harming Aimee's family. He wants to do this by having her pick between who he will kill, between her mother and sister.   Aimee challenges the king on his honour and has him dual her instead. The two meet outside. By this point, the town of Blackthorn has come under attack and some townsfolk have been ferried by a red dragon and the king's men to the estate, to witness Aimee's downfall.   The two dual in a vicious and brutal fight, with it looking like the king will win. However, Lor uses a spell to cause a distraction, with Ella using this to her advantage to get Aimee's family to safety. As panic kicks in, Aimee uses her spells to have all of the king's men follow her.   Riding off, she calls for aid from Rose as Rafe's beast follows her. After a chase, the beast retreats upon seeing Rose and a battalion arrive.   Meanwhile, Ella engages with Rafe with one of his blades, aided by Lor and then Aimee, against all odds, the trio manages to kill the legendary knight. However, before his death, he uses a mysterious spell to try and enter the minds of his enemies, as well as his dragon, who after a brutal battle himself, manages to barely escape, only just clinging to life.   Rose and soldiers rush in, slaying Rafe's men, as the party, in pain and barely standing, realize that they have won.


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