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OSAD Session 9 - The High Council

General Summary

The party all change it more appropriate evening gear for dining with a king. The dinner is nice and the party is congratulated by the king. He proposes the party work with members of the council to form a group called "The Royal Unifiers" whose job will be to fix the growing divide between races in Reddex.   The next morning the party attend a council meeting and meet all members of the High Council. There is a discussion on current issues. Afterward, the party meets with Dustin Payne and Rose Goldbrand about The Royal Unifiers. The party has some reservations but sign up for the program. Rose wants the party to use the platform as a form of propaganda against racism and Dustin wants to push the permissions given to him and the group by the king.   The party leaves the meeting undecided on what to do, as Lor plans to head to Star-That-Shines to check on her niece and Ali goes to meet up with his sister and leave the city.   Harman Greeves asks Aimee if she would check on House Autumn and their ties to Veritas, as he worries about it and only trusts Aimee to check it out.


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