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Dwarf: 30% Gnome: 18% Elf (all types): 20% Human: 14% Dragonborn: 8% Others: 10% (This category includes a mix of various races, further enhancing the village's diversity.)   Agricultural Workers: 25% - Tending to crops and ensuring the village's food security. Artisans and Crafters: 20% - Skilled individuals crafting wooden wares, pottery, and other handmade goods. Fisherfolk: 15% - Responsible for the village's thriving fishing trade, providing a key food source. Woodworkers: 12% - Crafting furniture, tools, and art from the lumber harvested in the logging forest. Traders and Merchants: 10% - Managing the bustling marketplace, facilitating trade, and ensuring economic prosperity. Magic Practitioners: 8% - Residents with magical abilities contributing to the village's enchanting ambiance. Service Providers: 10% - Innkeepers, healers, and other service-oriented roles catering to the needs of the community.   Upper Class: 2% - Influential families involved in leadership roles, successful businesses, and magical endeavors. Middle Class: 15% - Skilled workers, merchants, and service providers contributing to the economic stability. Lower Class: 83% - Laborers, entry-level workers, and those with modest means sustaining the village's foundational activities.


Laws: Property Rights: Residents are granted property rights within the village, promoting a sense of ownership and stability. Environmental Protection: Regulations are in place to ensure sustainable resource management, preventing overexploitation of the logging forest and river resources. Community Harmony: Laws emphasize the importance of community cooperation and social harmony, discouraging actions that may disrupt the peaceful coexistence of villagers.   Taxation:   Resource Tax: A modest tax is levied on the harvesting of resources from the logging forest to fund communal projects and services. Marketplace Tax: Traders and merchants operating in the marketplace contribute a percentage of their profits to support public infrastructure and amenities. Property Tax: Residents pay a nominal property tax, ensuring the village's financial stability and supporting essential services.   Organization:   Village Council: The Village Council, led by Mayor Alaric Stonehaven, oversees decision-making and governance. Council members include representatives from various sectors, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered. Community Committees: Specialized committees focus on specific aspects of village life, such as agriculture, resource management, and social events. These committees encourage community participation and engagement. Law Enforcement: A small local guard ensures compliance with village laws. However, the corrupt influence of the empire extends to this organization, leading to selective enforcement and exploitation.


Natural Resources: Abundant access to fertile land, a river, and a logging forest provides Furness with a wealth of natural resources, supporting agriculture, fishing, and crafting industries. Skilled Workforce: The village boasts a skilled and diverse workforce, including farmers, artisans, fishermen, and healers, contributing to the economic and social vibrancy of Furness.   Marketplace: The bustling marketplace attracts traders and merchants, facilitating economic exchange and providing a source of income for the village through taxes and trade.   Fishing Industry: The thriving fishing industry contributes a steady supply of fish, ensuring food security for the community and generating income through trade.   Artisanal Crafts: Furness is known for its skilled artisans and craftsmen who create unique handmade goods, including wooden crafts, pottery, and enchanted items, contributing to the village's economic diversity.   Healing Center: The presence of a healing center, staffed by skilled healers and herbalists, ensures the well-being of the villagers and provides medical aid in times of need.   Community Spirit: The strong sense of community and shared values among the villagers is an intangible asset that fosters cooperation, resilience, and a harmonious living environment.   Cultural Heritage: Furness holds a rich cultural heritage, evident in its festivals, traditions, and folklore. This cultural wealth contributes to the identity and uniqueness of the village.   Guard Post: While modest, the presence of a guard post signifies an attempt to maintain law and order within Furness, ensuring the safety and security of its residents.   Strategic Location: Furness's location along the river and proximity to natural resources positions it strategically for trade and interaction with neighboring settlements.

Industry & Trade

1. Agriculture: Crops: The fertile fields surrounding Furness support the cultivation of various crops, including grains, vegetables, and fruits, ensuring a stable source of food for the village. Orchards: Orchards yield fruits such as apples, pears, and berries, contributing to both local consumption and trade. 2. Fishing Industry:   River Fishing: The village relies on the abundant fish from the river, supporting the fishing industry. Fresh catches are distributed locally and traded with neighboring settlements. Trade Networks: Fishermen participate in trade networks, supplying fish to markets in Swordbreak and other nearby areas. 3. Handcrafted Goods:   Woodworking: Artisans in Furness use lumber from the logging forest to create wooden crafts, furniture, and tools. These items are both sold locally and traded with other settlements. Pottery and Crafts: Skilled craftsmen produce pottery and other handmade goods, contributing to the local marketplace and attracting traders. 4. Marketplace and Trade:   Local Marketplace: The marketplace in Furness serves as a hub for economic activities, where traders, merchants, and artisans converge to sell and exchange goods. Regional Trade: Furness engages in regional trade, particularly with Swordbreak and Zalfari. Goods from the village, including agricultural produce, crafts, and fish, are exchanged for items not locally available. 5. Magical Artifacts:   Enchanting Workshops: Skilled magic practitioners in Furness create enchanted items, offering a unique and sought-after product. These magical artifacts contribute to both local commerce and trade. 6. Services:   Inns and Taverns: The village's inns and taverns cater to travelers, providing accommodation, food, and entertainment. This sector contributes to local economy and trade. Healing Services: The healing center offers magical and traditional medical services, attracting individuals seeking healing and contributing to the overall well-being of the community.


Marketplace: The bustling marketplace serves as the economic hub, featuring stalls and shops offering a variety of goods, from fresh produce to handmade crafts. The marketplace is a central gathering place for villagers and visitors alike. Fishing Docks: Located along the riverbanks, the fishing docks support the village's thriving fishing industry. Fishing boats set out daily, bringing in a steady supply of fish to meet the dietary needs of the community.   Logging Forest: A designated forest area is dedicated to logging for the sustainable harvest of lumber. Woodworkers and artisans use the timber to craft furniture, tools, and artistic creations.   Fields and Orchards: The village maintains agricultural fields and orchards to cultivate crops and fruits. These areas contribute to the self-sufficiency of Furness and help sustain the population.   Inns and Taverns: Several inns and taverns offer accommodations and social spaces for villagers and travelers passing through. These establishments provide a sense of community and entertainment.   Healing Center: A healing center staffed by skilled healers and herbalists provides medical care to the villagers. It offers both magical and traditional remedies to address health concerns.   Workshops: Craftsmen and artisans operate workshops where they create a variety of goods, from pottery to enchanting magical items. These workshops contribute to the economic diversity of Furness.   Community Hall: The community hall serves as a venue for gatherings, celebrations, and important meetings. It fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among the villagers.   Guard Post: A small guard post is established to maintain law and order within the village. However, its effectiveness may be compromised by the influence of corruption from the empire.   Village Square: The village square is a communal area where festivals, events, and markets take place. It acts as the heart of Furness, reinforcing the sense of community and shared experiences.

Guilds and Factions

Craftsmen's Guild: The Craftsmen's Guild unites artisans, woodworkers, and craftsmen in Furness. They collaborate to promote their respective trades, share knowledge, and collectively address challenges such as resource management and market access. Fishermen's Association: The Fishermen's Association represents the interests of those involved in the fishing industry. They work together to ensure sustainable fishing practices, negotiate fair trade deals, and address any issues affecting the livelihood of fishermen in Furness. Agricultural Cooperative: Farmers and growers form the Agricultural Cooperative, pooling resources and expertise to enhance agricultural practices. They work together to address challenges such as crop diseases, irrigation, and efficient land use.   Healers' Alliance: Comprising healers, herbalists, and medical practitioners, the Healers' Alliance focuses on providing healthcare services to the villagers. They share knowledge of medicinal herbs, magical healing, and work collectively to maintain the well-being of Furness.   Samizdat Branch in Furness: The Samizdat branch in Furness operates discreetly, blending into the fabric of the village while maintaining a clandestine presence. Adapted to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by Furness, the Samizdat members focus on both their traditional roles as information gatherers and their commitment to protecting the village from imperial oppression. Here are some key aspects of the Samizdat branch in Furness:   Infiltration and Observation: Samizdat operatives discreetly infiltrate various factions and guilds within Furness. Their primary goal is to observe and gather information, identifying potential threats to the village and monitoring the activities of imperial officials.   Community Integration: Unlike in larger cities, the Samizdat in Furness integrates into the community more closely. Members may be farmers, artisans, or even healers, allowing them to gain valuable insights and trust among the villagers.   Protection Against Corruption: Recognizing the corrupting influence of the empire, the Samizdat in Furness actively works to protect local factions and guilds from imperial interference. They strive to maintain the autonomy and integrity of Furness against external pressures.   Network of Safe Houses: The Samizdat maintains a network of safe houses within Furness to provide refuge for those seeking protection from imperial persecution. These safe houses serve as meeting points for clandestine gatherings and information exchanges.   Coded Communication: To avoid detection, Samizdat members use coded language and symbols to communicate discreetly. This allows them to share vital information without drawing unwanted attention from imperial authorities.   Resilience and Adaptability: The Samizdat in Furness embodies resilience and adaptability. Members understand the need to navigate the unique challenges posed by the village's location, climate, and economic dynamics, ensuring their continued effectiveness.   Collaboration with Local Factions: The Samizdat collaborates with sympathetic factions and guilds within Furness, forming alliances to resist imperial influence collectively. This collaboration enhances their ability to protect the village from external threats.


Furness, nestled along the banks of a meandering river, traces its history back to a time when Obrura was a lush and vibrant forest. Founded centuries ago by a group of resilient settlers seeking refuge from the rapid industrialization spreading across the continent, Furness began as a small agricultural settlement. The founders, a diverse group of humans, elves, and dwarves, sought to create a haven where the balance between nature and progress could be maintained. As the years passed, Furness thrived due to its strategic location for trade, fertile farmlands, and the careful management of the nearby logging forest. The village grew into a bustling community, attracting artisans, fishermen, and healers who added their unique skills to the village's tapestry.   Today, Furness stands as the last stop before the imperial stronghold of Swordbreak and the notorious Coldstone Prison. The village's location as the final destination attracts visitors, mostly higher-ups from the empire, adding a layer of complexity to Furness's history. The village remains a crossroads of intrigue, trade, and occasional imperial scrutiny, a testament to its resilience in the ever-changing landscape of Obrura.

Points of interest

Riverfront Marketplace: Located along the banks of the river, the bustling marketplace serves as the heart of Furness. Traders, artisans, and locals converge here, exchanging goods, stories, and information. The marketplace is a vibrant hub of commerce and social interaction.   The Green Haven Inn: A welcoming inn that serves as a haven for travelers and locals alike. The Green Haven Inn offers comfortable accommodations, hearty meals, and a gathering place for stories and rumors. It is a popular spot for visitors passing through Furness.     Furness Docks: Along the riverbank, the Furness Docks serve as a vital point for trade and transportation. Fishermen dock their boats here, and traders unload goods destined for the marketplace. The docks are a bustling scene of activity, connecting Furness to the wider world.   Samizdat Safe House: A discreet safe house operated by the Samizdat. Located in a nondescript building, it serves as a meeting point and refuge for those seeking protection from imperial scrutiny. The safe house is crucial for coordinating resistance efforts.


Tourists typically stay at the Green Haven Inn, which provides a comfortable and hospitable environment. The inn's central location allows easy access to Furness's main attractions, making it a convenient choice for those eager to explore the village's diverse offerings. As Furness becomes a popular stop on the way to Swordbreak or Coldstone Prison, tourism brings both opportunities for cultural exchange and the challenges of managing increased imperial scrutiny.


River and Riverfront: The winding river, the lifeblood of Furness, flows alongside the village, creating a scenic riverfront. The bustling docks along the riverbank are essential for trade, fishing, and transportation, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere. Nearby Hills and Quarries: Hills in proximity to Furness provide a convenient source of locally quarried stones for construction. The hills play a vital role in ensuring a readily available supply of building materials, contributing to the village's self-sufficiency.


Hot Summers: Summers in Furness are hot and dry, with temperatures often soaring during the daytime. The days are characterized by intense sunlight and warmth, creating a need for shaded areas and effective cooling strategies. Cooler Evenings: Despite the daytime heat, evenings bring a welcome coolness to Furness. Residents and visitors often find relief from the daytime temperatures during the twilight hours, contributing to a more comfortable outdoor environment.   Mild Winters: Winters in Furness are generally mild, with cooler temperatures compared to the summer months. While snowfall is rare, residents may experience chilly nights and cooler days, requiring appropriate attire for warmth.   Limited Precipitation: Furness experiences limited rainfall throughout the year, contributing to the arid climate. The scarcity of precipitation necessitates efficient water management practices and irrigation for agriculture.   Windy Conditions: The arid landscape of Furness can lead to windy conditions, with gusts of wind sweeping across the grasslands and riverbanks. Windbreaks and protective measures may be implemented to shield against the occasional strong winds.

Natural Resources

River Resources: The winding river alongside Furness provides a vital source of freshwater for the village. Beyond serving as a crucial water source for daily needs, it supports fishing activities, contributing to the local diet and trade. Quarried Stones: The nearby hills yield a variety of locally quarried stones used for construction purposes. These stones are essential in building and maintaining the structures that make up Furness, ensuring the village's self-sufficiency in construction materials.   Fishing and Aquatic Life: The river and its ecosystem offer abundant aquatic resources. Fishing is a significant industry in Furness, providing not only sustenance for the villagers but also contributing to trade with neighboring settlements.   Agricultural Land: Despite the arid climate, there are pockets of fertile land along the riverbanks suitable for agriculture. Efficient irrigation techniques enable the cultivation of crops, ensuring a local supply of fresh produce.   Timber from Nearby Forests: Although not directly adjacent to Furness, carefully managed forests provide a sustainable source of timber.   Herbs and Medicinal Plants: The Green Haven Inn's garden and pockets of greenery in Furness host a variety of herbs and medicinal plants. These resources not only enhance the aesthetics of the village but also contribute to herbal remedies and local medicinal practices.   Trade Routes: Furness benefits from its strategic location along the river, which facilitates trade with neighboring settlements and contributes to the economic prosperity of the village.
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