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Tales of Elandra Windwhisper

In the heart of the Unforgiving Wild,
Where whispers of nature's lore compile,
Stood Elandra, with grace undefiled,
Champion of Tuturu, nature's child.

With silver hair that danced with the breeze,
And eyes of green that the forest seized,
She walked among the ancient trees,
With wisdom deep as the endless seas.

She spoke in tongues the wild understood,
And donned the cloak of nature's hood,
A guardian true, where shadows brood,
In Elandra's presence, all evil subdued.

So let us sing of her noble quest,
To keep the Unforgiving Wild at rest,
For Elandra, in her verdant crest,
Is nature's champion, forever blessed.
— Orlena Peaceward (143 BS)
In the age when the world still danced in the twilight of celestial harmony, there lived Elandra, a half-elf of ethereal grace and boundless compassion. Born under the watchful gaze of the Unforgiving Wild, her destiny intertwined with the whims of Tuturu, the Divine Protector of nature. From the earliest whispers of the ether, Elandra displayed an innate connection with the mystical forces that wove through the fabric of reality.
As she matured within the embrace of the Etherwood Grove, druidic elders recognized her as a beacon destined for greatness. Elandra's communion with the spirits of the Unforgiving Wild became legendary, and she embraced the mantle of Tuturu's champion. Clad in leaves and vines, she roamed the depths of the ancient forest, safeguarding its secrets and fostering a delicate balance between civilization and nature.
Elandra's tale reached its zenith in a climactic confrontation against a malevolent sorcerer seeking to unleash chaos upon the Unforgiving Wild. In a selfless act of heroism, she absorbed the dark energies, transcending mortal bounds to become a vessel of Tuturu's divine essence. Her sacrifice echoed through the ages, leaving an indelible mark on the world and inspiring generations to honor the sacred bond between nature and deity. The whispering winds still carry the echoes of Elandra's name, a testament to her eternal role as the chosen champion of the Unforgiving Wild.
— Francina Woodendream (108 BS)

Cover image: Ghost of the Net by


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