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Tuturu was a revered deity in The Pantheon of Obrura, embodying the forces of nature, the untamed wilderness, and the creatures that inhabited it. As the Divine Protector of Nature, Animals, and the Unforgiving Wild, Tuturu's influence extended over the natural world, fostering balance and harmony in the ecosystems of Obrura.  

Key Aspects and Domains:



Tuturu was closely associated with the raw and unbridled aspects of nature. Followers of Tuturu often sought communion with the untamed wilderness, drawing inspiration and guidance from the flora and fauna that thrived in their natural habitats.  


Tuturu held a special affinity for animals, acting as their guardian and protector. Many druids, rangers, and those who worked closely with animals revered Tuturu and sought their blessings for the well-being of the creatures they interacted with.  

The Unforgiving Wild:

Tuturu was also acknowledged as the deity of the Unforgiving Wild, representing the harsh and unpredictable aspects of nature. Storms, wild magic, and other formidable forces were seen as manifestations of Tuturu's untamed power.  

Symbols and Depictions:


The Wild Thorn:

Tuturu's symbol was often represented by the Wild Thorn, a thorny vine with resilient and twisting branches. It symbolized the tenacity and adaptability of nature in the face of challenges.  

Animal Depictions:

Tuturu was frequently depicted alongside or accompanied by various animals, showcasing their connection to the animal kingdom. Wolves, birds of prey, and other creatures of the wild were common companions in artistic representations.  

Worship Practices:

Communion with Nature:
Worshipers of Tuturu often engaged in rituals that involved communing with the natural world. These rituals included meditation in the wilderness, offering prayers in secluded groves, or participating in ceremonies that celebrated the cycles of nature.  
Animal Guardianship:
Followers of Tuturu took on roles as guardians of animals or nature reserves. They believed in the importance of maintaining the delicate balance between civilization and the wild, ensuring the protection of both.  

Druids and Rangers:

Patrons of Druids:
Many druids in Obrura considered Tuturu as a patron deity, drawing on the divine energy of the Unforgiving Wild in their spells and rituals.  
Ranger Connections:
Rangers who navigated the wilderness and protected the boundaries between civilization and the wild often invoked Tuturu for guidance and strength in their duties.

Divine Domains


Tuturu's influence extended to the fundamental forces of nature, including flora, fauna, and the intricate balance that governed ecosystems. Followers sought her blessings for bountiful harvests, the flourishing of plant life, and the overall well-being of the natural world.


Tuturu was revered as a guardian of animals, and her domain encompassed the welfare and balance of the animal kingdom. Devotees called upon her to protect livestock, ensure successful hunts, and maintain a harmonious coexistence between humanoid races and the creatures of the wild.  


Tuturu's presence was most potent in the untamed wilderness, and her followers looked to her for guidance in navigating and respecting the intricacies of the Unforgiving Wild. The domain of wilderness included survival skills, tracking, and understanding the primal energies that coursed through the untouched landscapes.  


Tuturu served as a protector against forces that sought to exploit or corrupt the natural order. The domain of protection extended to shielding the vulnerable, preserving sacred sites, and warding off those who aimed to disrupt the delicate balance between civilization and nature.  


 Tuturu's divine influence promoted harmony between sentient beings and the natural world. The domain of harmony involved fostering understanding, cooperation, and mutual respect between communities and the environments they inhabited.  

Enchantment (Aetheric Magic): 

In connection with the mystical Aether, Tuturu held sway over the enchanting energies that permeated Obrura. This domain allowed her followers to tap into the magical properties of Aether for benevolent purposes, such as healing, protection, and maintaining the magical equilibrium within the Unforgiving Wild.


1.Heartwood Amulet:

  Carved from the heartwood of ancient trees, the Heartwood Amulet boasts a surface adorned with meticulously etched patterns resembling leaves and vines. The amulet gave the wearer the ability to harness nature for their own protection.  

2. Wyldwood Totem:

  A intricately carved totem, crafted from the sacred wood of the Etherwood Grove's ancient trees. The Wyldwood Totem had the power to channel Tuturu's influence, enabling druids and followers to communicate with the spirits of the wild and seek guidance on matters concerning the balance of nature.  

3. Aetherial Bloom:

  A delicate flower that blossomed with the ethereal glow of Aetheric magic. The Aetherial Bloom symbolized Tuturu's connection to the mystical energy that infused Obrura. Possessing the bloom granted protection against unnatural forces and allowed the user to navigate areas touched by Aether without succumbing to its unpredictable effects.  

4. Beastcaller's Talisman:

  A talisman adorned with the images of various animals, the Beastcaller's Talisman bestowed the ability to summon and communicate with creatures of the Unforgiving Wild. It was especially favored by rangers, druids, and those who sought to form alliances with the natural inhabitants of Obrura.  

5. Tuturu's Gaze Amulet:

  An amulet featuring a miniature depiction of Tuturu's watchful eyes. The Gaze Amulet provided protection against malevolent influences and granted the wearer insight into the hidden aspects of nature. It was often worn by those undertaking quests to preserve the sanctity of sacred groves and endangered wildlife.  

6. Aegis of the Wild Guardian:

  A mystical shield crafted from enchanted bark and imbued with the essence of Tuturu's protective aura. The Aegis of the Wild Guardian provided unparalleled defense against dark forces that threatened the Unforgiving Wild. It was a revered artifact among those tasked with safeguarding natural sanctuaries.

Holy Books & Codes

The Verdant Covenant:

A set of principles emphasizing the sacred pact between Tuturu and her followers. The Verdant Covenant outlines the responsibilities of devotees in preserving the Unforgiving Wild, protecting the vulnerable, and upholding the sanctity of nature. It serves as a moral guide for those seeking alignment with Tuturu's divine ideals.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Verdant Eye:

A singular eye surrounded by intertwined vines and leaves. The Verdant Eye symbolizes Tuturu's watchful gaze over the Unforgiving Wild and her role as the guardian of nature. Devotees often wear or display this emblem as a mark of their allegiance.  

Aetheric Crescent:

  A crescent-shaped symbol with ethereal tendrils extending from its edges. The Aetheric Crescent represents Tuturu's connection to the mystical Aether and the delicate balance between the magical and natural realms. It is commonly etched onto sacred artifacts and used in rituals involving Aetheric magic.  

Nature's Harmony:

  An intricate design intertwining the elements of earth, air, water, and fire within a circular pattern. Nature's Harmony embodies Tuturu's teachings on the interconnectedness of all living things and the necessity for balance within Obrura. This symbol is often incorporated into religious regalia and ceremonial spaces.  

Wyldwood Scepter:

  A scepter adorned with leaves, vines, and blossoms, representing Tuturu's authority over the Unforgiving Wild. The Wyldwood Scepter is used in formal ceremonies and rituals, signifying the deity's benevolent rule over nature and the wild.  

Cyclic Bloom:

  A depiction of a blooming flower with petals arranged in a circular pattern. The Cyclic Bloom symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth within the Unforgiving Wild. It is a favored insignia during festivals celebrating the changing seasons and the renewal of the natural world.

Tenets of Faith

Harmony with Nature:

Embrace the inherent connection between all living beings and the Unforgiving Wild. Strive to live in harmony with the natural world, fostering a mutual respect that transcends species and civilizations.  

Stewardship of Aether:

  Safeguard the delicate balance between magic and nature. Utilize Aetheric energies responsibly, understanding that unchecked manipulation may disrupt the natural order and invoke unforeseen consequences.  

Preservation of Sacred Groves:

  Recognize the sanctity of sacred groves and natural sanctuaries. Protect these havens from exploitation and destruction, ensuring they remain untouched by the encroachment of civilization.  

Advocacy for the Vulnerable:

  Champion the cause of the defenseless and vulnerable among the Unforgiving Wild. Stand against oppression, cruelty, and the exploitation of creatures incapable of defending themselves.  

Cyclical Reverence:

  Embrace the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. Acknowledge the importance of each phase in the eternal dance of existence and celebrate the changing seasons as manifestations of Tuturu's divine will.  

Respect for Aetheric Forces:

  Approach the mysteries of Aether with reverence and caution. Acknowledge the unpredictable nature of magical energies and refrain from reckless manipulation that may disrupt the cosmic balance.  

Cultural Integration:

  Promote understanding and cooperation between civilizations and the Unforgiving Wild. Encourage peaceful coexistence, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between sentient beings and the natural world.  

Communion with Spirits:

  Cultivate a connection with the spirits that inhabit the Unforgiving Wild. Seek guidance, wisdom, and inspiration from these ethereal entities, acknowledging their role as stewards of the natural order.  

Sustainable Practices:

  Embrace sustainable practices in daily life. Strive to minimize the ecological impact of human activities, promoting a lifestyle that ensures the preservation of Obrura's fragile ecosystems.

Eternal Guardianship:

  Dedicate oneself to the eternal guardianship of the Unforgiving Wild. Uphold Tuturu's divine charge to protect and preserve the natural balance, ensuring the legacy of nature endures for generations to come.


Verdant Renewal Festival:

Celebrated during the arrival of spring, this festival marks the rejuvenation of the natural world. Followers gather in sacred groves to witness the blossoming of flowers, symbolizing Tuturu's influence in bringing forth life and vitality after the dormant winter months.  

Cyclical Communion Feast:

Held during the autumn equinox, this feast celebrates the cyclical nature of existence. Followers come together to share in the bounty of the harvest, reflecting on the interconnectedness of life, death, and rebirth within the Unforgiving Wild.  

Nature's Blessing Parade:

Held in major cities and settlements, this vibrant parade takes place during the height of summer. Participants adorned with floral and leafy attire parade through the streets, spreading joy and celebrating Tuturu's blessing on the world.  

Legacy Planting Ritual:

Held during the closing days of autumn, this ritual involves the planting of symbolic seeds representing the perpetuation of nature's legacy. It serves as a commitment from followers to uphold Tuturu's teachings and preserve the Unforgiving Wild for future generations.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Restoration of Natural Balance:

Tuturu sought to restore the delicate equilibrium between the magical and natural realms within Obrura. Her divine goal was to mend the disruptions caused by industrialization and rampant exploitation of the Unforgiving Wild, fostering a harmonious coexistence between civilization and nature.  

Protection of Sacred Sites:

  A key objective for Tuturu was the safeguarding of sacred groves and natural sanctuaries. She aimed to shield these pristine havens from the encroachment of urban expansion, ensuring they remained untouched by the disruptive forces of civilization.  

Advocacy for the Voiceless:

  Tuturu championed the cause of the defenseless and vulnerable inhabitants of the Unforgiving Wild. Her divine goal was to advocate for the rights and well-being of creatures incapable of defending themselves against exploitation, oppression, and harm.  

Cultivation of Mutual Understanding:

  Tuturu aimed to foster mutual understanding between sentient beings and the natural world. Her divine goal involved promoting cultural integration, cooperation, and peaceful coexistence, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between civilizations and the Unforgiving Wild.  

Reverence for Cyclical Existence:

  An essential aspect of Tuturu's divine goals was instilling a reverence for the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth. She sought to guide her followers in embracing the changing seasons as manifestations of divine will, fostering a deeper connection to the eternal dance of existence.  

Preservation of Obrura's Ecosystems:

  Tuturu dedicated herself to the preservation of Obrura's fragile ecosystems. Her divine goal was to inspire sustainable practices among her followers, ensuring that human activities minimized ecological impact and upheld the long-term health of the continent's diverse environments.  

Communion between Mortals and Spirits:

  Tuturu aimed to strengthen the connection between mortals and the spirits that inhabited the Unforgiving Wild. Her divine goal involved guiding her followers in seeking guidance, wisdom, and inspiration from these ethereal entities, fostering a deeper spiritual communion.  

Cultural Respect for Nature:

  Tuturu aspired to instill a deep respect for nature within the cultural fabric of Obrura. Her divine goal involved influencing civilizations to adopt practices that recognized the interconnectedness of all living things and promoted the well-being of the Unforgiving Wild.  

Eternal Legacy of Nature:

  The overarching divine goal of Tuturu was to ensure the eternal legacy of nature. She endeavored to inspire a sense of responsibility and guardianship among her followers, ensuring that the Unforgiving Wild thrived for generations to come, leaving a lasting imprint on the world.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Nature's Blessing:

  Tuturu could bestow a blessing upon living creatures, promoting rapid healing and rejuvenation. This ability could mend wounds, cure ailments, and revitalize the essence of those touched by her divine influence.

Wild Magic Ward:

  Tuturu possessed an innate resistance to the chaotic effects of wild magic storms. Her connection to the natural order granted her a protective barrier that mitigated the unpredictable consequences associated with the surges of magical energy.

Sylvan Communion:

  Through deep meditation and communion with the Unforgiving Wild, Tuturu could communicate with the spirits of nature. This ability allowed her to seek guidance, gain insights into the balance of ecosystems, and share wisdom with the beings inhabiting the natural world.

Seasonal Manipulation:

  Tuturu had the power to subtly influence the local climate and flora within her immediate surroundings. This ability enabled her to create favorable conditions for agriculture, encourage the growth of specific plants, and enhance the overall harmony of natural ecosystems.

Aetheric Harmony:

  Tuturu could attune herself to the Aetheric currents flowing through the land, gaining insight into the magical energies shaping Obrura. This attunement allowed her to mitigate the harmful effects of excessive Aether use and guide practitioners in responsible magical practices.

Ethereal Sight:

  Tuturu possessed the ability to see beyond the material plane, perceiving the ethereal and spiritual dimensions. This heightened vision allowed her to detect disturbances in the natural order, sense the presence of supernatural entities, and navigate through enchanted landscapes.

Nature's Wrath:

  In times of dire need, Tuturu could call upon the forces of nature to unleash a controlled surge of elemental power. This ability allowed her to command natural elements such as wind, water, and earth to defend sacred sites or repel those who threatened the delicate balance of the Unforgiving Wild.  

Spiritual Resonance:

  Tuturu's presence resonated with the spirits of the Unforgiving Wild, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility in her vicinity. This ability had a calming effect on both mortal creatures and supernatural entities, promoting harmony and discouraging hostile intentions.

Ephemeral Passage:

  Tuturu could temporarily transcend the material plane, entering a state of ethereal existence. During this passage, she could move through natural barriers, traverse great distances effortlessly, and gain insights into the hidden aspects of the world.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mortal Origins:

Long before she ascended to the divine realm, Tuturu was a mortal, a wise and enigmatic figure who dwelled in the heart of the untamed wilderness. She possessed an innate connection with the natural world, fostering a deep understanding of the delicate balance that existed between the ordered realms of civilization and the wild expanses.  

Communion with Nature:

Tuturu's mortal years were marked by a profound communion with nature. She wandered through the unexplored reaches of Obrura, developing a bond with the flora and fauna that thrived in the wild. Many stories tell of her ability to communicate with animals and navigate the most treacherous landscapes unscathed.  

The Trials of the Unforgiving Wild:

Legend holds that Tuturu faced and triumphed over numerous trials within the Unforgiving Wild, a harsh and untamed realm that tested the limits of mortals. From navigating treacherous storms to confronting mystical forces, Tuturu's resilience and affinity with nature guided her through these challenges.  

Ascension into Godhood:

Tuturu's ascension into godhood remains a tale veiled in mystery. Some accounts speak of a divine revelation, where the spirits of the wild recognized her unparalleled connection with the untamed forces. Others tell of a momentous event, a convergence of cosmic energies that elevated Tuturu to the divine plane.  

Divine Responsibilities:

Upon ascending, Tuturu assumed the mantle of the Divine Protector of Nature, Animals, and the Unforgiving Wild. As a deity, she watched over the ecosystems of Obrura, ensuring the delicate balance between civilization and the wild endured. Followers of Tuturu sought her guidance in matters of nature, animal kinship, and navigating the unpredictable forces of the Unforgiving Wild.  


Tuturu's legacy endured through the worship and reverence bestowed upon her by druids, rangers, and those who cherished the wild aspects of Obrura. The tales of her mortal journey and divine ascension continued to inspire generations, weaving a rich tapestry that celebrated the enduring connection between mortals and the forces of nature.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Balance Restored:

Tuturu played a pivotal role in restoring balance to a region plagued by environmental upheaval. Legends tell of her intervention during a severe drought, where she summoned life-giving rains and rejuvenated the once-parched lands, allowing both flora and fauna to flourish.

Taming the Wild Beasts:

Tuturu's affinity for animals and her ability to communicate with them became renowned. She is credited with peacefully resolving conflicts between communities and wildlife, fostering a harmonious coexistence. Tales speak of her calming a raging beast that threatened a village, showcasing her influence over the creatures of the wild.  

Mystical Alliance:

During her mortal years, Tuturu forged alliances with mystical beings of the Unforgiving Wild. It is said that she negotiated with powerful elemental spirits and enigmatic entities, creating a mutual understanding that prevented catastrophic events and maintained the delicate equilibrium of nature.  

The Great Sanctuary:

Tuturu established a sanctuary deep within the heart of the Etherwood Grove, a sacred refuge where both mortals and magical beings could seek solace. This haven became a symbol of her commitment to protecting the natural world, and it is believed that the Etherwood Grove's enchanting aura is a direct result of her divine influence.  

The Guiding Light:

Tuturu's teachings and guidance became a beacon for druids, rangers, and nature enthusiasts. She imparted wisdom on living in harmony with the environment, encouraging sustainable practices and the protection of endangered species. Her influence shaped the ethical foundations of those who revered her, leaving a lasting impact on the preservation of Obrura's ecosystems.

Failures & Embarrassments

Unquelled Storms:

Tuturu faced a significant challenge when a series of relentless storms swept through a once-thriving forest. Despite her connection with nature, she struggled to pacify the raging tempests, leading to widespread devastation and the loss of precious flora and fauna. This failure haunted her, and some saw it as a reminder of the unpredictable and untamed aspects of the Unforgiving Wild.

Misjudged Intervention:

In attempting to mediate a conflict between rival tribes residing near the Etherwood Grove, Tuturu's diplomatic efforts inadvertently escalated tensions. The tribes, misinterpreting her intentions, turned against each other with increased animosity. Though she sought harmony, Tuturu was unable to prevent the conflict from erupting into violence, tarnishing her reputation among those affected.  

Struggle with Industrialization:

As Obrura underwent a rapid transition toward industrialization, Tuturu found herself powerless to halt the destruction of vast forests and the pollution of once-pristine rivers. Her inability to curb the devastating impact of widespread deforestation and pollution left her followers disillusioned and questioning her efficacy in the face of burgeoning technological advancements.  

Unattended Outbreak:

Tuturu faced embarrassment when a mysterious disease afflicted a population of magical creatures in the Etherwood Grove. Despite her attempts to heal and protect the creatures, the ailment spread, causing a significant decline in the magical ecosystem. This failure to contain the outbreak led to a loss of mystical energy in the grove and a diminishment of Tuturu's divine influence.

Lost Influence in Shaping Civilization:

As Obrura transitioned from a realm of lush forests to a landscape dominated by industrialization, Tuturu faced the challenge of influencing the course of emerging civilizations. Seeking to guide the burgeoning societies toward a harmonious relationship with nature, Tuturu attempted diplomatic outreach. However, her disappearance from the mortal realm left these efforts unfulfilled. The subsequent rise of the Xopis Empire, marked by unchecked exploitation of resources, industrial expansion, and environmental degradation, became a testament to Tuturu's absence and the struggle to maintain a balance she had once sought to preserve.

Morality & Philosophy

Harmony of Balance:

Tuturu believed in the inherent balance of nature, emphasizing the delicate interdependence between all living beings and their environments. She advocated for the preservation of this balance, cautioning against actions that disrupted the natural harmony and jeopardized the well-being of ecosystems.

Stewardship of the Wild:

Tuturu saw herself as a steward of the wild realms, charged with safeguarding the untamed beauty and diversity of Obrura. Her philosophy emphasized responsible custodianship, urging mortals to coexist with nature in a way that allowed both civilization and the wild to thrive without causing undue harm.  

Guiding Light of Wisdom:

Tuturu valued wisdom and enlightenment, encouraging her followers to seek understanding and knowledge about the intricate connections within the natural world. She believed that through enlightened awareness, mortals could make informed decisions that would contribute to the preservation of the environment.  

Respect for All Life:

Central to Tuturu's moral code was a profound respect for all forms of life. Whether it was a majestic beast of the Unforgiving Wild or the smallest insect, she considered each creature to be an integral part of the intricate web of existence. This respect extended to the diverse races and cultures inhabiting Obrura.  

Adaptability and Flexibility:

Understanding the ever-changing nature of the Unforgiving Wild, Tuturu embraced the principles of adaptability and flexibility. She believed that mortals, like the resilient flora and fauna she protected, should be capable of adapting to the dynamic challenges presented by their surroundings, finding sustainable solutions in the face of adversity.  

Communion with the Wild:

Tuturu's personal philosophy involved maintaining a spiritual communion with the wild. She encouraged mortals to reconnect with the natural world, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate rhythms and cycles that governed life on Obrura.  

Preservation Over Exploitation:

Tuturu strongly opposed the wanton exploitation of natural resources for short-term gains. Her philosophy emphasized sustainable practices, urging civilizations to prioritize the preservation of the environment over unchecked industrialization and resource extraction.


Disrespect for Sacred Sites:

Tuturu considered the Unforgiving Wild and its sacred sites, including the Etherwood Grove, as hallowed ground. Any form of desecration or disrespect towards these places was deemed taboo. Mortals who showed disregard for these sacred spaces risked invoking her displeasure.

Harm to Innocent Creatures:

The intentional harm or cruelty towards innocent creatures, whether mundane or magical, was strictly forbidden in Tuturu's eyes. She regarded all life as sacred, and those who needlessly caused suffering to animals faced her condemnation.  

Unbridled Exploitation of Resources:

Tuturu abhorred the unbridled exploitation of natural resources without regard for sustainability. Wanton deforestation, pollution, and the excessive extraction of minerals, especially Aether, were considered taboo acts that disrupted the delicate balance she sought to maintain.  

Magical Imbalance:

Tuturu frowned upon the reckless use of magic that upset the magical equilibrium of Obrura. Uncontrolled magical experimentation or the casting of spells that caused irreparable damage to the environment were regarded as taboo, and those who engaged in such practices risked incurring her divine wrath.  

Ignorance of Nature's Signs:

Ignoring the signs and omens provided by nature was considered a taboo by Tuturu. She believed that the natural world communicated its needs and warnings through various signs, and those who disregarded these messages risked unforeseen consequences.  

Corruption of the Unforgiving Wild:

Any attempts to corrupt or pervert the wild forces within the Unforgiving Wild were strictly forbidden. Tuturu viewed the Unforgiving Wild as a realm of purity, and those who sought to exploit or corrupt its energies faced severe consequences.  

Unjust Wars Against Nature:

Tuturu opposed any wars or conflicts initiated against nature in the pursuit of resources or expansion. Wars that resulted in the destruction of ecosystems, whether intentional or collateral, were considered taboo, as they undermined the very essence of her role as the Divine Protector.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


Untouched Wilderness: 

Tuturu had a profound appreciation for untouched and pristine wilderness. She delighted in the untouched beauty of the Unforgiving Wild and places that remained unspoiled by industrialization or exploitation.  

Harmonious Coexistence: 

The Divine Protector favored societies that coexisted harmoniously with nature, respecting the delicate balance between civilization and the wild. Communities that practiced sustainable living and conservation earned her admiration.  

Respectful Stewardship:

 Tuturu was pleased by individuals and communities that took on the role of respectful stewards for the environment. Those who actively worked to preserve and protect the natural world aligned with her ideals.  

Celebration of Nature's Cycles: 

Festivals and rituals that celebrated the cycles of nature, such as solstices, equinoxes, and lunar events, were events that Tuturu appreciated. These gatherings reflected an acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all life.  

Communion with Animals: 

Tuturu enjoyed witnessing positive interactions between mortals and animals. Those who treated animals with kindness and respect, fostering a symbiotic relationship, earned her favor.  



Industrial Exploitation: 

Tuturu strongly opposed industrialization and the ruthless exploitation of natural resources. The sight of widespread deforestation, pollution, and the uncontrolled extraction of Aether displeased her.  

Magical Imbalances: 

The Divine Protector disliked the reckless use of magic that upset the magical balance within Obrura. Spells or enchantments that harmed the environment or disrupted the natural order went against her principles.  

Cruelty to Animals: 

Any form of cruelty or harm inflicted upon animals was a source of displeasure for Tuturu. Individuals who disregarded the well-being of the fauna within the Unforgiving Wild or elsewhere incurred her disapproval.  

Disregard for Sacred Sites: 

Tuturu frowned upon the disrespect or desecration of sacred sites within the Unforgiving Wild, such as the Etherwood Grove. Those who showed disregard for these places invoked her displeasure.  

Corruption of the Unforgiving Wild: 

The Divine Protector vehemently opposed any attempts to corrupt or pervert the wild forces within the Unforgiving Wild. Those who sought to exploit or manipulate these energies faced her disapproval and potential intervention.

Virtues & Personality perks


Tuturu championed harmony in all aspects of existence. She believed in the interconnectedness of life and sought to maintain a balance between the natural world and the endeavors of mortals. Compassion: The Divine Protector displayed compassion for all living beings, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding. Her teachings encouraged kindness towards creatures of the Unforgiving Wild and respect for their intrinsic value.  


Tuturu was revered for her wisdom, gained through a deep connection with the Unforgiving Wild. Her insights into the delicate balance of nature and the mystical forces that shaped Obrura were considered invaluable.  


Tuturu instilled a sense of stewardship for the environment in her followers. She encouraged responsible and sustainable practices that preserved the integrity of the Unforgiving Wild and safeguarded its natural wonders.  

Connection to Nature: 

One of Tuturu's virtues lay in her profound connection to nature. She was attuned to the whispers of the wind, the rustle of leaves, and the cycles of the moon, allowing her to guide and protect the natural order.  


Tuturu embodied resilience in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges posed by industrialization and the changing landscape of Obrura, she continued to inspire her followers to persevere in their efforts to protect the environment.

Vices & Personality flaws

Inability to Halt Industrialization: 

One of Tuturu's perceived shortcomings was her inability to prevent the rapid industrialization of Obrura. Despite her opposition, the forces of progress and technological advancement outpaced her efforts, leading to the transformation of the once-lush landscape. Limited Influence Beyond Obrura: Tuturu's divine powers were primarily bound to Obrura, and her influence diminished as she ventured farther from the continent. Beyond its borders, her abilities were weakened, and she could not extend her protection to distant realms.  

Vulnerability to Divine Disconnection: 

Tuturu's mysterious disappearance from the mortal realm left her worshippers without direct guidance. The lack of a tangible divine presence made it challenging for her followers to receive immediate divine intervention during times of crisis.  

Struggle Against Magical Corruption: 

Tuturu faced difficulties when confronting magical corruption within the Unforgiving Wild. Malevolent forces seeking to exploit or taint the mystical energies challenged her ability to maintain the purity of these sacred domains.  

Inability to Prevent Wild Magic Storms: 

Despite her connection to the Unforgiving Wild, Tuturu could not fully control or prevent the occurrence of wild magic storms. These unpredictable events, fueled by the untamed magic within Obrura, remained beyond her complete mastery.


Contacts & Relations

Elandra Whisperwind - Champion   Todesfall - Partner


Tone of Voice:

  Tuturu's voice resonated with a gentle and melodic tone, reminiscent of rustling leaves and babbling brooks. Her speech conveyed a sense of serenity and reverence for the natural world.


  Her pitch ranged from a soothing low hum to a higher, uplifting cadence. The pitch of her voice often mirrored the ebb and flow of nature, creating a calming effect on those who listened.

Accent and Dialect:

  Tuturu spoke in a dialect infused with the nuances of the sylvan language, emphasizing the connection between her divine presence and the Unforgiving Wild. Her accent carried echoes of ancient wisdom and the timeless rhythms of the natural order.


  "As the leaves dance, so does the spirit of the land." "In the whisper of the wind, hear the wisdom of the ages." "Blossoms bloom in adversity, a testament to nature's resilience."

Common Phrases:

  "May your roots run deep and your branches reach high." "Find solace in the embrace of the Unforgiving Wild." "As day turns to night, so too does the cycle of life continue."


  "Your heart resonates with the harmony of the natural order." "Like a gentle stream, your spirit flows with grace." "In your presence, the aura of tranquility is palpable."


  Tuturu refrained from outright insults, choosing instead to express disappointment or disapproval in a sorrowful manner, highlighting the divergence from the natural balance.


  "May the sun greet you with warmth and the moon with serenity." "The song of the morning birds heralds a new day of possibilities."


  "May the trails beneath your feet be guided by the wisdom of the ancient trees." "As the sun sets, may your path be illuminated by the stars above."


  Tuturu abstained from explicit language, expressing disapproval or frustration through nature-inspired metaphors or symbolic gestures.


  "Life's journey is a river, winding and full of unexpected currents." "The storms we face are but ripples in the vast pond of existence." "Like the seeds in the wind, may your aspirations take root in fertile soil."
Divine Classification
Long green plants weaved in
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the rustle of leaves and the whisper of the wind, hear the voice of the Unforgiving Wild guiding you towards harmony." "The threads of nature weave a tapestry of life; tread lightly, for every step leaves an imprint on the canvas of existence." "In the dance of fireflies and the song of birds, find the rhythm of your soul entwined with the heartbeat of Obrura." "Where the roots of the ancient trees intertwine, there lies the wisdom of ages waiting to be discovered." "To harm the smallest creature is to challenge the balance that sustains us all." "In the embrace of the Unforgiving Wild, find solace, for it is a sanctuary for those who revere the untamed beauty of Obrura." "Nature's symphony is played in the rustle of leaves, the babbling brooks, and the howls of distant beasts; listen, and you will hear the melody of the wild." "Let your actions be the leaves that fall gently upon the forest floor, leaving a legacy of respect and harmony for generations to come."

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