
A World of Hope

Home Planet of the Churrians and the origin point of the Sanguar Institute.


Once a realm filled with teeming oceans, verdant mountain ranges, and sweeping plains, Churr has now been reduced into a scattered mass of floating dust, rocks, and features that once the Churrians could recognize as being home.


Once filled with a complicated ecosystem of which the Churrians were only a part, no life remains on Churr now. All that is left is what was saved in the Great Undertaking and taken to the First Wound, the realm of Pilver, and beyond.

Fauna & Flora

Churr was home to many different species of flora and fauna which over many generations the Churrians were able to cultivate into a state of mutual benefit. Many samples of these plants and animals were able to be taken away to safety beyond the Homestead and so they can be found in many places the Churrians choose to settle.       Some of the more notable floras and faunas include:   Black Bamboo   MORE TO COME OVER TIME


CREATE TIMELINE AT SOME POINT     The Churrians led a fairly typical history. Evolving as a species, they were eventually able to develop thumbs which allowed their distant ancestors to descend from their forest mountain homes and claim dominion over the rest of their world. Learning how to use tools, they were able to generate food crops, dissuade natural predators, and create permanent settlements.   With territory came the idea of conquest and over many generations they led themselves into war time and time again.   Every new iteration of blood being spilled only served to stoke their bloodlust and so the next conflict would become deadlier as their means of serving death became almost like an art.   This eventually culminated in the Final War. A conflict so devastating that their species was nearly completely wiped out. With the realization that they would not survive another conflict, the Churrians experienced a grand cultural shift. They laid down their tools of death and instead opted to pick up the tools of healing. They became a species dedicated to helping others and rebuilding tragedies.   They prospered over many many generations and soon, as their technology advanced, began to look toward the stars themselves.     But this was not meant to be.     The damage from the Final War was done.     After 473 years, Churrian scientists discovered that Churr had suffered far too greatly from the weapons of the Final War. Its core had been compromised and it was only a matter of time before the planet suffered a massive implosion.   Lacking time to build the ships that would help the Churrians to escape into the heavens, they instead invested themselves by pursuing any avenue that would allow them to leave some kind of legacy behind. To allow their people to not be forgotten.   Of these research measures, one that bore fruit was the Homestead Project.   By building a portal that allowed them to peer into other realities, they were able to see that they were not the only people to suffer. As such, they made a final decision. No longer were their projects going to be used to help themselves, but instead would be used to help others.   With this resolution in their hearts, the Churrians dedicated everything they had to one simple task. To keep the Homestead Gate open for as long as possible to allow for as many people and resources through to help the First Wound.   What had been expected to last only 3 days, instead extended out into an entire week.   With many having made the sacrifice to travel through the gate, never to see their loved ones again or the world that they loved, the rest of the Churrians waited for their final fate with hope and peace in their hearts...
Alternative Name(s)
Sanguar Prime
Cracked Planet
Related Ethnicities
Related Traditions
Inhabiting Species


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Jul 29, 2024 16:50

an idea fore an animal from here could be something that could have been for churiens what apes are to humins probibly a wolf or fox maby even a red panda

Jul 30, 2024 01:38 by Rygone

Not a bad idea! Thanks for the suggestion ^_^

Stay Curious~   Rygone