
Valient's Reserve

Served cold, this drink, also known as the Valient's Reserve, is a mead that features the dark flavors of the herat berry with earthy hints of mutri leaves. Considered a mead that nurtures courage, this mixture of dark fruit tones and grounded flavors serves as a fortifying mixture that helps to prepare the drinker for hard times.


While the origins of the Dravenel are unknown, the popular story is that it was developed by a bored Venestrian soldier who wanted a taste of home and alcohol combined. Having grown up on a herate farm, this soldier spent months developing his brand of mead to failure one after another until, in frustration, he tossed in a random stick and sealed his latest batch away swearing never to touch it again. After weeks he finally grew thirsty during a hot day, and remembering that he had a cask of the sealed mead, he hesitantly uncovered the batch and took a drink. To his surprise, the flavor of the drink was exactly what he was looking for as that random stick was actually from a mutri plant which imparted its earthy flavors into the overall mead.   Since then, the Dravenel has remained popular throughout Venestrian society as a courageous drink that is especially familiar among the Churrian military.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Related ethnicities
This drink is a fairly common item found on many Churrian, especially Venestrian, tables. Dark and earthy, it is a cold drink that mixes well with many hot soups and bread and, as such, remains a household favorite. Especially when a bit more self-encouragement is needed. That said, because it may take years to successfully grow the required herat berries, new Sanguar divisions often have to take a stockpile with them to ensure that the drink continues to flow.
Raw materials & Components
While ingredients such as yeast, honey, and water are required, the most essential ingredients to this mead are the herat berries and mutri leaves as they impart the primary dark fruit and earthy flavors into the drink.


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