Church of Irori Organization in Regia | World Anvil
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Church of Irori

Divine Origins

His followers claim that he was once a mortal who achieved absolute physical and mental perfection and thus attained divinity of his own volition.

Tenets of Faith

Irori holds enlightenment and the quest for knowledge and self-perfection of both body and mind above all.


Irori's priesthood consists primarily of clerics and monks. Priests are responsible for mentoring others as they try to attain self-perfection either by guiding followers or through rigorous testing and trials. Each must follow his or her own slightly different path to enlightenment, but there is little infighting among Irori's followers. Priests have no formal raiment, but prefer to dress plainly with a single long rope of braided hair they wear around their neck. Upon death, masters of the faith are said to join Irori to serve him for all eternity, while those who have not yet achieved perfection are reincarnatedto begin the process anew.

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