Church of Pharasma Organization in Regia | World Anvil
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Church of Pharasma

Tenets of Faith

Many of Phrasma's worshipers are those closely aligned with either burgeoning life or terminating death. These include midwives, grave diggers, and morticians. Pregnant women often carry small medallions bearing her likeness to protect their child. Her fellowers dress in black for ceremonies (no matter the local custom), with their clothes adorned with silver, and carry tiny vials of holy water.   Pharasmins believe themselves already dead, and see the Worldscape as a final proving ground, where they could prove their courage or diminish their vices, before they proceed to the Boneyard and receive her judgement.


Her priests are typically clerics, diviners, and necromancers who choose not to create undead. Her followers view the undead with hatred and consider them a great abomination. Pharasmins view putting the undead to rest as a holy duty. The creation of undead is outlawed, and commanding undead rather than destroying them is deeply frowned upon as well.
Religious, Organised Religion

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