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Humans are the most populous race in the Ghostly Realms, noted for their adaptability in the face of adversity. Their adaptability as a people allows them to live comfortably in all but the most hostile environments. Thanks to their ingenuity, they can be found in almost any metropolis, town, or hamlet. Humans tend to live in large social groups, and most dwell in permanent settlements. Because of their versatility, humans can vary wildly based on their upbringing. Where they live, their occupation, the climate, their level of education, and other daily influences all have an effect on their skills and traits. It is hard to make generalizations about humans as the only thing that humans have in common is their ability to adapt to problems at hand.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Humans broadly fall into one of four categories, or subraces, although there is little genetic basis for these subraces when compared to other groups, such as elves. Indeed, a city could be equally populated by all these categories while remaining ethnically homogenous.   All humans, however, gain the following benefits:
Determination. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or a saving throw, you can grant yourself advantage on the roll. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.

Astute Humans

Astute humans tend to be more intelligent and studious than other humans. They are often more than willing to dedicate themselves to lifelong study. However, most of them occupy more menial ranks as bureaucrats, accountants, record-keepers, and clergy. Others still become wise diplomats, historians, or bards. These humans run the gambit from great and skilled leaders to powerful and knowledgeable recluses.   Astute humans gain the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 2, and one other Ability Score of your choice increases by 1. You cannot select the same Ability Score for both increases you gain from this feature.
Sharp Mind. You gain proficiency in one Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-based skill of your choice, and you can add double your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make that use that skill proficiency

Generalist Humans

Many humans have never quite settled down or learned a particular trade, whether they be true nomads or just wanderers. These humans are often the best adapted to surviving in the wilds thanks to life experience and good instincts. This leads them to be anything from the humble caravan guard or merchant to the famed bounty hunter or roaming dragon slayer. In spite of these skills, they rarely occupy the upper echelons of society.   Generalist humans gain the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. All Ability Scores increase by 1.
Skill Versatility. You gain two proficiencies of your choice from the following: any set of artisan's tools, any skill, any simple melee or ranged weapon, light armor, or shields.
Well Travelled. You either learn two additional languages of your choice. Often languages from places you have travelled.

Specialist Humans

Specialist humans are among the rare breed that have wholly dedicated themselves to a craft. They are the swordmasters, the craftsmen, the chefs, and the martial artists. Many of them are trained from a young age, sometimes even surpassing the abilities of other mortal races through total dedication.   Specialist humans gain the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Two different Ability Scores of your choice each increase by 1.
Specialized. You gain one Feat of your choice.

Vigorous Humans

Vigorous humans make up the rank and file of settles societies. They are labourers, farmers, woodsmen, and smiths. They are those strong in body and firm in mind. Although they are often not the most intelligent or skilled individuals, they can be relied upon for their dedication and vigour.   Vigorous humans gain the following benefits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 2, and one other Ability Score of your choice increases by 1. You cannot select the same Ability Score for both increases you gain from this feature.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Human societies are as varied as the people themselves. Tribes, Kingdoms, Empires, Clans, Republics, and everything in between is expressed by one human group or another. In spite of a general disposition towards the ideals of freedom, humans are remarkably capable of accepting circumstances where it is curtailed for the preservation of security or ease. It is also generally true that humans are prone-to-power, or the desire to obtain power for themselves. For this reason, most human societies tend to be patriarchal with a single individual holding much of the power in a system. In spite of this, many democratic experiments are tolerated and engaged in by humans.   In spite of their tolerance of other humans, the race is typically aggressive towards monstrous races and discriminatory towards rarer races. Elves and dwarves often escape much of this ire while tieflings and lizardfolk typically take a disproportionate amount of suspicion. In places where these races intermingle, tolerance is more common than suspicion. Even in places where tolerance is rare, humans are only very rarely physically aggressive towards outgroups.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Humans speak a profound variety of languages and local dialects, many of which are not mutually comprehensible. For travel and communication with the outside world, however, most humans learn to speak Common. Even in lieu of Common, humans are resourceful and remarkably knowledge when it comes to communicating non-verbally and in broken versions of languages with which they are familiar. Indeed, many humans have a very rudimentary understanding of either Dwarvish or Elvish.
80 Years
Average Height
4'7" to 6'3"
Average Weight


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