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Okaiki Temple

Home to the ever affable Edict of Fortune, Okaiki Temple is settled into interesting contrast to many other shinto temples that house the Edicts. This contrast is due to its ground-level construction and the array of support structures that have cropped up outside of it. While it cannot boast the population of a city, it has started to attract an unrelated population that has caused other Edicts to take askance with the impropriety of it all.  


On its own, the temple is divided into three sections. The primary worshipping area constitutes the grounds, mess hall, barracks, and greeting area - all of which are oriented in a diamond shape extending from the base of Mount Hyōno. Further in and built into the mountain itself is the secluded training grounds of the Kaminoha. Among Fortune's chosen, they most often practice in all manner of game's of chance in addition to their combat training. Dice, fans, and more are used even with the knowledge that the common man is prohibited from gambling using such activities under penalty of death.   The training rooms are only partially built into the mountain, utilizing an ancient cave system that has been edged and cut away to create a honeycomb structure that works up three stories of the mountain's sheer flank. Anyone can see priests walking up and down the inlaid steps from below, though the entrance to the most hidden shrine within is not so obvious.   Built to house the spirits of the Koto is a collection of the coinage of Japan over the ages. Stacked around a small gate, the coins often jump and tumble into new formations as the local spirits play and leap - unseen even to the godblades unless they choose to reveal themselves. Sometimes a blessing of fortune is sought from the collective spirits here, but as with any beings of such fickle forces such a blessing can be a turbulent thing if it is even granted.  


The priests of Okaiki are an interesting lot, putting much of their faith in the whims of the world itself - though with a very important distinction. Even if fortune dictates the opportunity, it is up to each man or woman to reach out and take it. In addition to this, many of the donations that the priesthood receive are circulated directly back into the community in the form of prayer tags and festivals. The nearby town of Wakasa has its own tradition of offering food and coin donations at particular times in the year due to the diligent work of the priesthood.   In particular the winter solstice is honored due to it being regarded as the founding day of the temple itself along with many others. On this day, no one outside of the temple is allowed on the grounds as a twenty-four hour fast is enacted with plentiful offerings to the spirits housed within the temple shrine.  


Founded in 1192, almost three hundred years ago, Okaiki temple was built by Taira Takakiyo, one of the only survivors of the cursed Taira Clan after the Genpei War. Having gone through the trials of Fortune through happenstance - as was the only way to bond with a spirit in such days - Takakiyo codified the trials of Fortune and began the slow process of gathering tradesmen, wandering priests, and down on their luck farmers to his side.   Fortune, however, swings both ways. Seven years later, Takakiyo was accused of plotting to kill the former shogun's son. Torn from the secret project by political upheaval, he was later executed in a small island province off the coast of Japan.   In the centuries since, the temple has honored their founder as a victim of Fortune itself - something to always be cautious of when forces are outside one's control. In the twelve generations of head priests since, each and every one has fallen to a bout of misfortune. In this way, the curse of the Edict of Fortune was made evident.

Important Figures

Founding Date
1192 AD
Owning Organization

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  • 1185


    22 December

    Forging of the Godblades

    After the end of the Genpei War, the newly crowned shogun Minamoto Yoritomo declared the need for a mortal power that could fight back the spirits when they threatened Japan. Under the guise of executing his cousin Minamoto Yoshinaka and other relatives, the shogun secreted them away to several mountains throughout the land to begin searching for a way to meld the powers of spirits with the autonomy of humanity. Though the details of their studies are lost to time, the Kaminoha of modern day are the end result.

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