Crystal Fields Geographic Location in Relativity | World Anvil

Crystal Fields

Locally known as Kala Pali, "dangerous beauty" in the local tongue, the Crystal Fields is a region on Azpal considered inhospitable to all Alpazoi but the Palonem, for whom it has been home as far back as historical records show.   The Palonem's name for the Crystal Fields is as accurate as can be; it is a desert of black sand and colourful geodes, treacherous for those who don't know the area. It gets very little daylight most of the year, and is home to a few rare and hardy flora and fauna. Most life in the region can be found in close proximity to its geysers and hot springs. The climate is diverse, with extreme seasons and frequent freak weather. Its settlements are small, remote, and have always had the least connection to the modern world, though technology is not non-existent.   After the Djoro eruption, the Crystal Fields--located on the opposite side of the planet--was almost unaffected, despite its own volcanic activity, as the chain reaction stopped short at its neighbouring continent. When the evacuation of Azpal was underway, the Palonem refused to join the other Alpazoi, since their home was ironically now one of the most hospitable regions on the planet by comparison. TheĀ Palki Order took it upon themselves to preserve what was left of the wider world, beyond the Crystal Fields, and much of the Palonem population migrated out of the region as a result.
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