Planetary Classifications in Relativity | World Anvil

Planetary Classifications

When a new planet is discovered, it is given one of five designations by the Interplanetary Alliance.   Although the classifications themselves include the word "planet", other astronomical bodies such as moons and asteroids can be given a classification if deemed relevant.   Uninhabited Planets (UPs): Planets which have been verified to Interplanetary Alliance standards to not contain any form of life.   Non-Sapient Planets (NSPs): Planets which contain life but have been verified to Interplanetary Alliance standards to not contain sapient life. Example: Nigloo, one of Nephiglo's moons.   Non-Integrated Planets (NIPs): Planets known to contain sapient life, but whose inhabitants have yet to officially accept and acknowledge the existence of civilisations on other planets. Example: Earth until 2074 (Gregorian Calendar).   Integrated Planets (IPs): Planets containing sapient life who have diplomatic relations with other planets. May not necessarily officially be part of the Interplanetary Alliance, though most are.   Status Unknown Planets (SUPs): Planets who have yet to be vetted to Interplanetary Alliance standards.


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