EPPEN STONES Item in Reliquiae | World Anvil
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Eppen stones have gone by many different names and have been used by numerous cultures throughout time and space. They function as 2-way portals between the realm of the living and the realm of the unseen.
Eppen stones are created when the oldest living person of a lineage dies in physical contact with a stone (any stone), while a specific incantation is uttered, either by the dying person or by a trained practitioner. It does not matter the size of the stone. It can be a large slab that the elder crone was sacrificed upon, or a pebble placed in the hand of a patriarch as he took his last breath. As long as the correct incantation is uttered at the time of death, a bit of the life force energy of the lineage merges with the stone and renders it a portal.

In ancient times and throughout the world, practitioners of magic within a tribe, clan, village, etc., would utilize an Eppen stone to bring forth spirits for help with their magic; to communicate with the dead; and to project their consciousness into the unseen realms, especially the past. By witnessing the past, practitioners of Eppen stone magic can heal ancestral wounds.

Projection through an Eppen stone is much like dreaming in that what a person witnesses while projecting can be anywhere from hazy to vivid. And, just like with dreams, projection memories can be recalled or immediately forgotten upon returning. One can learn to remember projection experiences better by recording their experiences as soon as they return.

These portal stones were such a powerful tool that it was forbidden, in every culture, to write down anything about them. The knowledge of how to create and utilize the Eppen stones could only be passed down orally from master to student, in order to prevent the wisdom from ever falling into the wrong hands.

In the case that a practitioner had to leave behind an Eppen stone for any reason, he or she was supposed to bind its power so that a portal would never be unintentionally opened. Although magic practitioners were the only ones who possessed the knowledge of how to create and properly utilize the stones, any direct descendant of the elder whose death created the stone, can (whether intentionally or by accident) open the portal to the realm of the unseen by directly touching the stone.

Eppen stones can be bound (or have their portals sealed shut) through an appropriate binding spell. In addition, Eppen stones portals are blocked when the stone is encased in skin. Most large-sized Eppen stones were closed with binding spells due to the difficulty of covering them with skin. Smaller stones, however, were frequently placed in leather pouches when not in use. Some practitioners would even swallow their stones when not using them in order to ensure they did not find their way into the hands of an untrained descendant.

As the modern age crept in and took over most of human experience, the knowledge of the Eppen stones began to disappear. By the 18th century, it had vanished from most of the world. The knowledge of the specific incantation needed to turn a stone into an Eppen stone was gone for good. No new portal stones could be created. The power of the Eppen stone was forgotten.

But every now and again, circumstances line up so perfectly it’s hard to ignore the hand of fate. In the 21st century, just such a thing occurred. An unsuspecting descendant happened to dig up an unbound Eppen stone that had rested in the decaying hand of its maker for nearly 500 years.

This is where Jane Benitez’s journey begins.
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