Jane's Story General Outline Plot in Reliquiae | World Anvil
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Jane's Story General Outline

• Jane happens upon an Eppen Stone during an archeological dig. She doesn’t know it is. In fact, she thinks it’s a plain old rock and absentmindedly puts it in her pocket to get it out of the way. She inadvertently takes it home and thus begins her journey with the ancestors.
  • Jane has a particularly disillusioning day, which triggers a depressive episode. Just as she’s about to take to her bed for an indefinite period, ancestor guides from her four grandparent lineages arrive in her kitchen.
  • Jane’s ancestor guides tell her that she must learn to heal her ancestral wounds and receive her ancestral blessings. The future of humanity is at risk. They teach her how to work with the Eppen stone to project her consciousness into the past in order to witness the wounding of the ancestors so that she may heal these wounds.
  • They also teach her that the Eppen stone is a two-way portal and that beings from other realms, including the future, can come through it to Jane’s time if she doesn’t follow the rules of using it. They also tell her that, in the future, there are groups of people called Whisperers who make it their mission to find and collect all the Eppen stones. They tell Jane that Whisperers not only have the ability to project their consciousness to other realms, like Jane has done, but they also have the power to influence people in the past by whispering to them. They can make people in the past hide things in certain locations that they can then find in their own time. This is the way the Whisperers steal the stones. If Jane doesn’t take care to protect her stone, it could end up in the wrong hands.
  • Jane projects through the Eppen Stone to witness a wounding of her father’s mother’s lineage. She sends her consciousness to Scotland, 671 CE. Jane witnesses and heals the wounds of the Wolf Clan; the massacre at the Battle of Two Rivers; the enslavement by the Northumbrians (Anglo-Saxons and the forced forgetting of the ways of the Wolf Clan.
  • After she has healed these wounds, Jane receives the ancestral blessing of a genuine knowing of the web of interconnection among all things. She is now able to see the bigger picture of most situations and recognizes where she has previously thought herself to be superior.
  • Jane continues to have stress in her life and important relationships, although she is now able to better understand the bigger picture, including her own responsibilities as well as others’ motivations.
  • Jane projects her consciousness to the past to witness a wounding of her mother’s mother’s lineage in Mesopotamia, 2000 BCE. She witnesses and heals the wounds of the Amorites; when famine forced them from their nomadic way of life into the cities.
  • Jane receives the ancestral blessing of understanding the power of creating organization from chaos.
• Jane’s personal and professional relationships continue to unravel, although she is much more efficient at work and school. Jane can begin to see how she has been choosing to create chaos in her life.
  • Jane projects through the Eppen stone to witness a wounding of her mother’s father’s lineage in Norway, 998 CE. She witnesses and heals the wounds of her seidr-practicing ancestors who were executed when the king of the region declared all his subjects must convert to Christianity and forsake all practices of magic.
  • Jane receives the ancestral blessing of a small amount of seidr knowledge. She is shown that once she is clear about her desires, she can draw them to her along the threads that weave all of life.
  • Jane continues to struggle in several areas of life. She realizes she has no real clarity about what she desires outside of doing archeology.
  • Jane projects through the Eppen stone to witness a wounding of her father’s father’s lineage. She sees her Spanish ancestor take part in a battle against the Tiwa people of modern-day New Mexico. She witnesses this ancestors brutality against the Tiwa, and his feelings of supremacy. Jane is horrified by what she sees and cannot face it long enough to do the healing.
  • Because Jane now has the memory of this ancestral wound within her, and it remains unhealed, her life really goes awry. This wounding, coupled with her predisposition to anxiety, leaves her reeling and in a state of panic. She quits her work. She is thrown out of her apartment. She has no living human to turn to. Alone, and literally on the street, Jane seeks out the help of her ancestors. They instruct her to project her consciousness to one of the futures that may happen if she continues to refuse to heal the wounds of her father’s father’s people.
  • Jane projects to 2521 CE. She sees a horrible, dystopian existence there. She sees that her own descendants are living in these wretched conditions; perpetuating it themselves because they continue to have a belief in their own supremacy.
  • Jane is ready to heal the wounds of her father’s father’s lineage. She heals the guilt and the unhealthy relationship with power.
  • Jane receives the blessing of an awareness of the ways in which she sees herself as superior to others. She also receives the blessing of knowing that the Divine is with her no matter how far from home she might go.
  • In addition, Jane now feels throughout her entire being that she is not a separate individual, but rather, a part of a collective. Her life story is but one chapter in the book of the ancestors.
  • Jane thinks her work with the ancestors is finished for the time being. She buries the Eppen stone in a hidden location, knowing she can find it again when she’s ready to resume work with other lineages. Just as she’s about to integrate all she’s learned and put her life back together again, a Whisperer from the future arrives intent on knowing the location of Jane’s stone.
  • Jane is able to make a boundary to not be influenced by this Whisperer, but she knows it will likely be a game of cat and mouse from that moment forward. The Whisperer also tells Jane that she is her descendant. Jane knows in that moment that she has more work to do with the ancestors if she’s to ensure a future where humanity no longer needs the power of the stones.
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