Akii Scythe Character in Remaining World | World Anvil
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Akii Scythe

Akii (a.k.a. Scythe)

Name pronunciation: ah-kie-ee

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rough-and-tumble, muscular, athletic, rugged; frequent illnesses as a baby, now healthy as an ox. Very fast.

Body Features

Tan skin, freckles, tends to be covered in dirt

Facial Features

High cheekbones, regal features, very nice eyebrows; charming, crooked smile

Identifying Characteristics

Freckles and dirt; no tattoos yet but wants them

Physical quirks

Twitchy; tends to tap feet, drum fingers, roll eyes, run fingers through hair; tends to stand with feet apart, hands in pockets or arms crossed; used to tramping across uneven ground, so marches in her big boots like she's going to war

Special abilities

Making a mess; alchemy

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to wear blue at every opportunity; necklace of blue feather on a string; likes hats (straw)

Specialized Equipment

Carries her scythe and whetstone everywhere along with a slingshot and pebbles; makes sure to have separate pockets for "pebbles to shoot with" and "pebbles that look cool"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akii and her siblings (older half-sister, 2 younger brothers) are children of a native farmer and a navigator from O gon Ti Vl Ai’Ai. She grew up on the family's farm, harvesting corn, tending to dragons, too many chickens, and turkeys. In a house with one mother, 2 fathers, 2 aunts with 1-3 husbands and 1-2 children apiece, and two deathless, cranky grandfathers, Akii often felt overlooked.   She tried/has been trying to explain to her family for years now what it means that she's transgender, but they still don't get it and call her "Avl." Most of her family was still deeply rooted in Honru culture and tradition. She would often sneak out at nights to the nearby town of Pub, which was considered the big city to Akii's family. There, she learned about the great big world, from uncomfortable truths about the history of her people and Jubarians and the world in general.

Gender Identity

Female (adapted)


Asexual, homoromantic


Home schooled


Family business: farming (specifically harvesting and dragon-tending) ; vigilante

Mental Trauma

Extreme fear of the fields at night

Intellectual Characteristics

Random specific knowledge

Morality & Philosophy

Be tough, be strong, be brave---if not for yourself, then for others. Never back down from a challenge.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to get out of dead-end farming life, away from her family and pressures of marriage. Wants to be helpful to and liked by the other Gray Knights.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with her hands; good with animals; not that clever in general

Likes & Dislikes

Likes apples, blue, dragons, and sharp, pointy objects; dislikes being outside at night, open ocean

Virtues & Personality perks

Hard worker, diligent, dedicated; finds effective tactics; eager; tends to bounce/land on her feet

Vices & Personality flaws

"Effective" tactics tend to be blunt, questionable, or explosive; impatient, imprudent, jumps into decisions/conclusions; quick to anger; haughty; a little naive or oblivious; Stickness follower; thinks she can drink (can't) ; aggressive, intense


"Dirt is armor"


Family Ties

Constricting (they're trying, though; they just want what's best)

Religious Views

Currently questioning everything; interested in Adajnn (Sihn oblja Ardivi)

Social Aptitude

Arrogant, cool in small groups; shy and nervous in large crowds


Drumming fingers

Hobbies & Pets

Dabbles in anything that comes up


Tends to yell "But!" in protest a lot; talks slowly
Current Location
Year of Birth
40 EE 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Homestead outside of Pub
Bright blue, sharp
Short, black, windswept
105 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
If it it doesn't move and it should, kick it; if it moves and it shouldn't, kick it harder
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Jubarian (fluent outer dialect), Honru language

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