The Vow of the Ember Guards
I, an initiate of the cult of remEMBER, do solemnly swear [or affirm] that I will uphold this vow. I agree to support this chapter, and to keep the flame of worldbuilding alight for as long as I do draw breath. I agree to tend the flames of WorldEmber, so that when December does come, the forge is lit!
With [insert appropriate in-world gods or symbolage] as my witness, I vow to write. To forge. And to remember.
Example: I, an initiate of the cult of remEMBER, do solemnly affirm that I will uphold this vow. I agree to support this chapter, and to keep the flame of worldbuilding alight for as long as I do draw breath. I agree to tend the flames of WorldEmber, so that when December does come, the forge is lit! With Tukod, builder of worlds, as my witness, I vow to write. To forge. And to remember.
Example: I, an initiate of the cult of remEMBER, do solemnly affirm that I will uphold this vow. I agree to support this chapter, and to keep the flame of worldbuilding alight for as long as I do draw breath. I agree to tend the flames of WorldEmber, so that when December does come, the forge is lit! With Tukod, builder of worlds, as my witness, I vow to write. To forge. And to remember.