Biblio & Oblivio

Biblio & Oblivio (Knowledge & Memory)   Biblio - God of Knowledge and Magic
Biblio is seen as a wise sage, surrounded by books and magical artifacts. He is the keeper of arcane knowledge and secrets. Biblio’s worshippers could be scholars, mages, and seekers of truth. His temples would be libraries or academies of magic.   Oblivio - God of Sacrifice and Memory
Oblivio is a dual-natured god, representing the pain of sacrifice and the importance of memory. He is often depicted as an old man with a book of memories. His followers might include historians, those who have sacrificed greatly, and individuals who uphold traditions and memories.   Dual Nature: Biblio is the keeper of knowledge, whereas Oblivio oversees the power of memory and sacrifice. Together, they balance the acquisition and loss of knowledge. While Biblio preserves knowledge, Oblivio governs the selective erasure of memory, which can be as crucial as remembering. Their interactions can be seen in the flow of history, where some events are preserved in time, while others fade into obscurity.