Esos & Eathos

Esos & Eathos (Light & Darkness)   Esos - God of Light and Substance.
Esos is depicted as a radiant being, the source of light and the physical realm. She represents the essence of life and the material.   Her followers are artisans, creators, and those who seek clarity and truth. Her temples are bright and filled with art.   Eathos - God of Void and Magic.
Eathos is the embodiment of the incorporeal and the unknown, often represented as a figure emerging from darkness or void. She represents the boundless potential of magic and is said to be it's source.    Her followers are explorers of the unknown, mystics, or those who embrace the mysteries of the dark. Her temples are hidden or underground.   Esos represents the essence of creation by form and light, while Eathos embodies creation by void and darkness. They are the duality of existence. Esos and Eathos are in a constant dance of contrast and complement. Esos brings clarity and vision, while Eathos shrouds things in mystery and the unknown. Their interaction is essential for the balance between the seen and unseen aspects of the world. They embody the duality of Magic and Substance. They balance visibility and mystery. Esos's light brings clarity, hope, and warmth, affecting the material world. Eathos's darkness brings rest, fear, and the unknown, influencing magic, dreams, and secrets.   Their domains manifest in the diurnal cycle and the phases of the moon.